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Latest Articles

Microscopic image of kidney cells.

Spatial Biology: Location, Location, Location!

This article will review advances in multimodal imaging mass spectrometry applications and a computational method to achieve higher resolution from spatial transcriptomics datasets.
Returning genetic ancestry results to participants of the Afromexico Genomics Project.

Leveling the Field in Ancient DNA Research

Some stories of history are written in ink, and others are written in nucleotide bases. Ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis – the study of DNA from archaeological or paleontological specimens – is perhaps the closest scientists will ever come to a time machine – a window into the past. In this feature article, we explore how inclusion and representation are critical considerations when we look through that window.
Lady holding up a lateral flow test displaying a control line but no test line.

An Introduction to the Lateral Flow Test: Strengths, Limitations and Applications

Diagnostic testing is key in many areas including healthcare and preventative medicine, food safety and environmental monitoring. In this article, we will consider what lateral flow tests (LFTs) are, how they work and their applications.
Cubes of Turkish delight dusted in powdered sugar.

NMR Relaxometry Reveals Turkish Delight’s Sticky Fingerprints

Scientists have shown the value of time-domain nuclear magnetic resonance (TD-NMR) relaxometry in evaluating the physical properties of Turkish delight made with syrups and sweeteners as alternatives to sugar.
Clear glass vials filled with a colourless liquid sit on a conveyor belt.

Applications of Mass Spectrometry in Biopharmaceutical Analysis

This article will review the latest applications of mass spectrometry-based techniques across the stages of biopharmaceutical development and testing.
Gloved hand holding a slightly open blood agar Petri dish of bacteria up to a computer screen displaying a protein structure.

Understanding Structural Biology, Its Applications and Creating a Molecular Model

In this article, we consider what structural biology tells us and the techniques used to investigate it, the role of computation and how techniques can be used together to answer questions in a range of application areas.
Man in a vineyard squeezing some grape juice onto a refractometer.

The Refractometer, How It Works and Role in the Food Industry

In this article, we discuss what a refractometer is and how it works, the different types available and their applications in the food industry.
An image depicting monosodium glutamate.

MSG: The Misunderstood Sodium Substitute

MSG was given a rather unsavory reputation in the 1960s. But did MSG ever deserve its distasteful status, or is it simply just a misunderstood constituent of South Asian cuisine?
An illustrator's depiction of science's future.

The Future of Science: Humanity Takes a Front Seat

With the world of science rapidly evolving, and a new year beginning, we look at the trends breaking through right now, asking experts: where is the world of science headed?
A 96-well cell culture plate into which a multichannel pipette is being inserted to withdraw media samples.

How Spent Media Analysis Could Pave the Way to Affordable Alternative Proteins

We spoke to Professor Jenny Nelson and Edward O’Neill to find out how spent media analysis could help to drive down costs and make cell cultured proteins an affordable reality for consumers.