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Latest Whitepapers

Optimum Performance in pH Measurement and Electrode Design content piece image

Optimum Performance in pH Measurement and Electrode Design

Reliable and accurate pH measurement is highly dependent upon both the design and manufactured quality of the pH electrode, and is critical for assessing sensitive samples in industries such as biotechnology, pharmaceutical and food.
Affinity Chromatography Solutions for Commercial Adeno-Associated Virus Manufacturing content piece image

Affinity Chromatography Solutions for Commercial Adeno-Associated Virus Manufacturing

Download this whitepaper to learn more about improving AAV yield and purity using affinity resins as well as how affinity purification can contribute to viral clearance.
Novel Technology Expands the Power of DIA-MS content piece image

Novel Technology Expands the Power of DIA-MS

Download this whitepaper to review the exciting technology behind the advances in data independent acquisition and explore how it can enhance your research.
Proper Handling of Laboratory Balances and Samples content piece image

Proper Handling of Laboratory Balances and Samples

Weighing can be critical in research, but the results can be altered by physical effects and ambient conditions at the installation site or sample properties such as the evaporation of liquids or static electricity of the sample.
High-Throughput, Multi-Parametric Analysis Accelerates Antibody Discovery Workflows content piece image

High-Throughput, Multi-Parametric Analysis Accelerates Antibody Discovery Workflows

Download this whitepaper to discover how high-throughput flow cytometry can provide quantitative data on binding, antibody internalization and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis and T-cell activation.
Reagent Manufacturing for a Novel CRISPR-Based Diagnostic SARS CoV-2 Test content piece image

Reagent Manufacturing for a Novel CRISPR-Based Diagnostic SARS CoV-2 Test

Download this whitepaper to discover how the manufacturing process was successfully scaled using operational support, a customized solution as well as a highly collaborative and strategic engagement.
Key Trends in Lab Automation 2022 content piece image

Key Trends in Lab Automation 2022

Despite the increasing adoption of lab automation in the sciences, in 2022, awareness about what it can truly do remains frustratingly limited, with most labs mistaking partial automation to mean a lab is fully automated, and other labs with fully integrated automation systems losing out on flexibility.
Streamline Antibody Labeling Workflows content piece image

Streamline Antibody Labeling Workflows

Primary antibody labeling simplifies assays, enables multiplexing and eliminates the cross-reactivity seen with secondary antibodies – helping you to streamline your workflow, increase your flexibility and improve reproducibility.
Improving Efficiency in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Development content piece image

Improving Efficiency in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Development

Creating and bringing new drugs to the market can bring huge productivity challenges as the already complex drug development process becomes lengthier and more expensive.
Automation of High-Throughput Flow Cytometry content piece image

Automation of High-Throughput Flow Cytometry

Historically, limited color detection, large sample volumes and manual loading were the reality of flow cytometers. Today however, flow cytometers can detect dozens of colors/markers simultaneously, saving precious samples and speeding up processing time.