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Latest Whitepapers

Fast, Sensitive and Robust Host Cell Protein Analysis content piece image

Fast, Sensitive and Robust Host Cell Protein Analysis

Process development teams need detailed information, via a platform that delivers short gradients to allow the required sample throughput to detect HCPs in a low sub-ppm range.
Advanced Flow Cytometry Applications for Antibody, Small Molecule and Phenotypic Screening content piece image

Advanced Flow Cytometry Applications for Antibody, Small Molecule and Phenotypic Screening

Flow cytometry is an important part of the drug discovery workflow. From screening antibodies to small molecules, combining tests for various analytes in a single panel not only reduces the necessary sample volume but also collects more information in less time, accelerating the drug discovery process.
High Quality Analytical Reagents Accelerate Pharmaceutical Development content piece image

High Quality Analytical Reagents Accelerate Pharmaceutical Development

For the very first time since its publication, ACS Reagent Chemicals is now available online in a seamless, searchable database. If you are a producer of pharmaceuticals, download this whitepaper to learn how this invaluable resource can benefit your organization.
Comparison of Viability Detection Methods Via Morphological Observation content piece image

Comparison of Viability Detection Methods Via Morphological Observation

Determining cell viability is a vital component in many biological experiments and one of the most common methods for this measurement is the trypan blue (TB) exclusion assay.
Eliminate Problematic Polymorphs content piece image

Eliminate Problematic Polymorphs

Small molecule drugs have formed most pharmaceutical discoveries for over a century, however, approximately 40% of current active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are poorly soluble, along with around 90% of drugs in development.
Expanding the Useful Spectrum for Flow Cytometry content piece image

Expanding the Useful Spectrum for Flow Cytometry

Flow cytometry has enabled the discovery of varied and nuanced cell types in terms of phenotypic markers and biological functions, but the visible spectrum places limitations on the number of extrinsic parameters that can be assessed.
Real-Time PCR Biopharma Resources content piece image

Real-Time PCR Biopharma Resources

Real-time PCR, also known as quantitative PCR (qPCR), is the gold-standard for sensitive, specific detection and quantification of nucleic acid targets and qPCR methods have become core technologies for delivering high-quality results in a range of applications throughout biologics development and biomanufacturing.
CytoFLEX Platform Enables New Workflows content piece image

CytoFLEX Platform Enables New Workflows

In flow cytometry, some of the fluorescence will be collected in the detection channel of interest, but some of the fluorescence will overlap with other channels. Compensation is used to remove the unwanted light signals from all but the desired detector.
Vanquish™ Core HPLC System – Cost of Ownership content piece image

Vanquish™ Core HPLC System – Cost of Ownership

Download this whitepaper to discover how this system can improve your economic value via reduced interruption costs, increased samples throughput as well as improved system intelligence with simple user interface.
Beadless Absolute Counting content piece image

Beadless Absolute Counting

Traditionally, manual or semi-automated methods using counting chambers or slides are used in cell counting but there is a high degree of variability in this method attributed to operator error.