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Latest Industry Insights

Illustration of DNA double helices with a flame pattern in the background.
Industry Insight

Gene Expression Analysis in Cancer Research

We spoke with Bio-Rad’s Justin Barker to discover some of the challenges associated with gene expression analysis in oncology and learn about technology developments in this field.
Floating cells with transparent membranes.
Industry Insight

Unlocking the “Morpholome” With AI-Powered Imaging

Technology Networks had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Maddison Masaeli, co-founder and chief executive officer at Deepcell to learn about the REM-I platform, a single-cell analysis tool that utilizes AI-powered imaging to magnify insights into a cell’s phenotype and function.
Photograph of the Agilent Measurement Suite at Imperial College London taken through the window.
Industry Insight

Flagship Facility Supports Advanced Analytical Science

We spoke to Prof. Oscar Ces, head of the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London (ICL), to find out about the evolution of ICL’s White City Campus, the Agilent Measurement Suite and what it means for scientists across the board.
Liver cells as seen under a microscope.
Industry Insight

Curing the Image Analysis Headache with Deep Learning

Misha Bashkurov explores how image analysis software with deep learning capabilities can directly address the convoluted and confusing process of traditional image analysis, which often leads to user frustration, bias results, time lost and increased costs.
Protein structure.
Industry Insight

Expanding the Drug Target Universe: How Next-Generation Proteomics Is Transforming Oncology Research

Cutting-edge mass spectrometry proteomics technologies are accelerating the discovery and validation of novel targets in cancer, opening up new avenues for next-generation cancer therapeutics.
Cancer patient with a line in her arm talking to a medic with a stethoscope around her neck.
Industry Insight

Next-Generation Proteomics Solutions Set To Accelerate Targeted Therapies

Hear how the capabilities of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics are proving themselves in drug development and discovery and what this means for those working in oncology.
RNA molecule.
Industry Insight

Quality Control for RNA Therapeutics: Meeting a Growing Need

New applications for RNA therapeutics are continuously emerging. In this burgeoning space, nucleic acid quantification can help this dynamic therapeutic modality reach its full potential.
A scientist holds a green globe in both hands. It is surrounded by icons representing areas of sustaibility.
Industry Insight

Ensuring Performance, Intelligence and Sustainability in MS

At ASMS, Technology Networks spoke with Ken Suzuki and Jennifer Gushue to learn more about how Agilent is addressing customer needs with novel “intelligence” features and the company’s efforts to ensure the sustainability and longevity of its products.
A large collection of different batteries
Industry Insight

The Challenges Facing Battery Manufacturers

Researchers have made significant strides toward developing improved battery chemistries, but scaling up production is challenging. To find out more, we spoke to Zhao Liu, senior market development manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific.
An abstract illustration of several people standing together.
Industry Insight

Accelerating and Refining With Mass Spectrometry

At ASMS 2023, Technology Networks spoke with Dr. Chris Lock, vice president of global research and development at SCIEX, to discuss the newly launched Intabio ZT system.