The Scientific Observer Issue 30
Published: October 6, 2023
Credit: Technology Networks
In issue 30 of The Scientific Observer, we’re taking a deep dive into topical issues faced by science and society, from food sustainability and climate change, issues of ethics and integrity in the sharing of scientific research to vaccine mandates.
Issue 30 highlights:
- Feeding Tomorrow: Exploring the Next Frontier in Food
- The Ultimate Guide to Predatory Conferences
- Is It Finally Time To Issue Vaccine Mandates?
The Future of Food: Five Key
Considerations in Alternative
Protein Food Production
The Ultimate Guide
to Avoiding Predatory
Exploring the Next Frontier in Food
Sponsored by
Is It Finally Time to Discuss
Vaccine Mandates? 06
Michael S. Kinch
Using Gut Bacteria To
Treat Diabetes 08
Suhanee Mitragotri
The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding
Predatory Conferences 11
Ruairi J Mackenzie
Feeding Tomorrow: Exploring
the Next Frontier in Food 15
Kerry Taylor-Smith
The Future of Food: Five Key
Considerations in Alternative
Protein Food Production 21
Sophie Prosolek
06 11
Exploring the
Next Frontier in
Kerry Taylor-Smith
Have an idea for a story?
If you would like to contribute to
The Scientific Observer, please
feel free to email our friendly
editorial team.
Kerry Taylor-Smith
Kerry Taylor-Smith is a
science writer who has a BSc
in natural sciences from the
University of Bath and over a
decade of experience writing
for various scientific and
consumer publications.
Ruairi J Mackenzie
Ruairi J Mackenzie is a
senior science writer at
Technology Networks.
Dr. Sophie Prosolek
Dr. Sophie Prosolek is a
senior science writer at
Technology Networks.
Suhanee Mitragotri
Suhanee Mitragotri is a neuroscience student at Harvard
College where she also studies
global health and health policy.
Professor Michael S Kinch
Professor Michael S. Kinch is
dean of science, vice president
for innovation and director of the
Centers for Research Innovation
in Biotechnology and Drug Discovery at Long Island University.
He is also an established author.
Dear readers,
Welcome to the 30th issue of Technology Networks’
monthly magazine, The Scientific Observer.
If food is the way to your heart, there’s no doubt that
you’ll gobble up this issue. Increasing awareness of
sustainability issues, demand for nutritional, low-cost
foods and technological advancements are just some
of the drivers behind a profound shift in how we produce and consume food. The choices we make now
regarding what and how we eat will have a ripple effect on future generations and the future of our planet
– how do we make sure they are the right choices?
In this issue, we’re serving up fascinating articles
that explore the latest innovations in agriculture,
the intricate relationship between food and climate
change and the ways in which science is contributing
to the development of a more resilient and equitable
food system.
The scientific community is not immune to issues of
ethics and integrity, as Ruairi J Mackenzie recently
discovered while investigating a “predatory” scientific
conference. In an era of rapid information dissemination,
the proliferation of predatory conferences poses a threat
to the credibility of scientific research. Fear not – Ruairi
has crafted the “ultimate guide” to avoiding predatory
conferences, featured in this issue, to help you spot the
red flags and avoid falling prey to this concerning form
of scientific misconduct.
In Professor Michael S Kinch’s latest op-ed for
Technology Networks, he tackles one of the most
pertinent issues of our time: vaccine mandates. "Is
It Time To Discuss Vaccine Mandates?" provides a
thoughtful discourse on the potential role and complexities of mandates in protecting public health against
infectious diseases.
We hope you enjoy this issue of The Scientific Observer.
Subscribe to make sure you never miss an issue.
The Technology Networks Editorial Team
From the Newsroom
iStock, T Stanisław Wilk, Kevin Andre/Unsplash
While researching a cure for malaria, researchers discovered and
characterized several bioactive compounds from the plant Artemisia
annua. The Nobel Prize-winning effort saved millions of lives and
might pave the way for novel cancer therapies. But there’s a roadblock
– scientists aren’t clear on how the compounds work.
JOURNAL: Natural Products.
Could a Malaria Drug Treat Cancer
One Day?
An international team of scientists – led by researchers at Uppsala
University – analyzed genome data from 56 specimens dating back
to the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Eneolithic periods across Central
and Eastern Europe.
JOURNAL: Communications Biology.
Journey Through the Genetic
Evolution of Stone Age Europe
New research has modeled the interactions between our body’s
circadian clocks to investigate why jet lag leaves us so fatigued.
Circadian Clock Study Shows
Why Jet Lag Wipes Us Out
NASA/Unsplash, Graphic Node/Unsplash, iStock
Want to learn more?
Check out the Technology Networks newsroom.
A study suggests that some changes the body undergoes during a trip
to space can also happen after a few weeks of weightlessness on Earth.
JOURNAL: Science Advances.
21 Days in a Weightless Bed
Can Affect the Body Like a Trip
to Space
A new study suggests that over 90 million US adults who are
overweight or obese may benefit from the popular weight loss drug
Wegovy™ (semaglutide).
JOURNAL: Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy.
Weight Loss Drug Could Benefit
Over 90 Million US Adults
Researchers have grown early humanized kidneys in pig–human
embryos at 28 days of gestation – the first time a solid humanized
organ has been grown in another species, potentially influencing
transplant medicine and our understanding of organ development.
JOURNAL: Cell Stem Cell.
Humanized Kidneys Grown in
Pig Embryos in World-First
The following article is an opinion piece
written by Michael S. Kinch. The views
and opinions expressed in this article
are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of
Technology Networks.
As a regional outbreak evolved into a global pandemic,
I was one of many enlisted
by the media to convey the
objective realities of a deadly pandemic. Consistently cautioning against
false hopes for a “Hollywood ending,”
my mantra was that nature tends to be
rather more complex than a two-hour
feature film. History teaches us that the
discovery and distribution of a safe and
effective vaccine might require years
or even decades until a pandemic can
be controlled. This assumes, of course,
that the vaccine is administered to all.
Through a combination of luck and
the exhaustive work of countless
scientists, physicians and volunteers,
a life-saving vaccine was discovered
and distributed in record time. It was
the first of several vaccines – utilizing
a variety of technologies and platforms
– that are now authorized to protect
against SARS-CoV-2. One national
television anchor still teases me for
cautioning against a presumption of a
Hollywood ending.
The resulting vaccine has indeed
been remarkably safe and efficacious.
Overwhelming evidence confirms that
Is It Finally Time to Discuss
Vaccine Mandates?
mRNA-based vaccines have proven
safe and effective. Yet the deployment
of the vaccine has been less ideal,
encountering first hesitancy and then
outright denial.
Any discussion of the M-word – mandates – has been taboo amidst a cacophony of politics, which unnecessarily enveloped the pandemic and the
vaccine meant to end it. This failure,
compounded by the prevalence of
vaccine denial and disinformation,
translates into the troubling statistic
the full course of vaccination (the
original series and two boosters)
have been administered to only 17%
and 15% of the populations of the
United States and the European
Union, respectively.
Nonetheless, the cinematic virtues
afforded by vaccination allowed a
shell-shocked and drained world to
act like COVID was a problem of
the past, with most seeking to forget
the nightmares of deaths, lockdowns
and disruption.
The only problem to our Hollywood
ending is that we provided the virus
with an opportunity for a sequel,
ensuring more lives than a hockey-masked cinematic villain. Our
inability to mandate full vaccination,
abetted by vaccine denial and misinformation, not only allowed the virus
to circulate within our communities,
but ensured it would adapt through
countless variants that have arisen
over the past few years.
The sequel might prove as deadly
as the original. Whereas the rates of
death in the US had declined from 500
a day in January of this year to as many
in a week, the EG.5 variant looks to
be reversing this trend. According
to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, death rates surged
from 469 weekly deaths in mid-July
to 722 a month later, a 54% increase
accompanied by a 163% increase
in hospitalizations.
While our current vaccines are
effective, they are also transient,
with protection lasting months, not
years or decades. This cold reality
means that we all must be boosted
at least annually. New vaccines for
COVID, like influenza, are likely to
be introduced on at least an annual
basis. Our fundamental understanding
of pandemics and viral adaptation
dictate that the need and frequency of
vaccination are likely to persist for so
long as there remain unvaccinated individuals. Despite the recognition, disinformation and vaccine denial ensures
COVID continuation.
As summer ebbs and parents anticipate
the new school year, the last thing
we want to confront is the prospect
of new waves of disease and chaos.
Nonetheless, it is incumbent upon us
to recognize COVID is far from over.
The only way we can end this drama
is to mandate that all individuals not
merely are vaccinated but remain up to
date with boosters. Until or unless this
occurs, we will continue to be derailed
for years and perhaps generations
to come. ⚫
Our inability to mandate full vaccination,
abetted by vaccine denial and misinformation, not only allowed the virus to
circulate within our communities, but
ensured it would adapt through countless
variants that arisen over the past few years.
Using Gut
Bacteria To
Treat Diabetes
Suhanee Mitragotri
Type 2 diabetes currently affects about 462 million individuals worldwide. A multi-institutional study led by Dr. Tadashi Takeuchi at Stanford
University and published in Nature, demonstrates the specific role that
various species within the gut microbiota play in carbohydrate metabolism, suggesting the potential for insulin-sensitive (IS) gut bacteria to
combat insulin resistance (IR) and serve as a treatment for individuals
with Type 2 diabetes.
IR, which is when cells are unable to
respond to insulin and extract glucose
from the blood, is one of the key factors
responsible for the development of
Type 2 diabetes. Previous studies have
indicated that many species in the gut
microbiota are involved in carbohydrate metabolism, which can contribute
to insulin resistance when unregulated.
However, Takeuchi et al. wanted to
improve understanding of the roles of
specific species within the gut microbiota, because, while there are IR-associated bacteria in the gut, there are also
understudied IS-associated bacteria
that could play a role in combating
insulin resistance.
The researchers combined unbiased
fecal metabolomics with metagenomics,
host metabolomics and transcriptomics data to determine the role of the
microbiome in insulin resistance. They
recruited 306 individuals (71% male)
without diabetes, between the ages of
20 to 75 years. They were assessed for
insulin resistance, which was defined
as a homeostatic model assessment
of IR (HOMA-IR) of at least 2.5. They
analyzed metabolites in 22 human
fecal IS- and IR-associated bacteria to
understand which carbohydrates were
consumed by each type of bacteria.
They also looked for the presence of
associations between fecal metabolites
and metabolic syndrome (MetS),
an IR-related pathology, and used
two mass spectrometry (MS)-based
analytical platforms to conduct untargeted metabolomics analysis. After
these various tests were conducted on
human-derived samples, Takeuchi et
al. administered seven IS-associated
bacterial strains in mice to assess their
role in potentially combating IR.
The key findings from this study
were that:
• Fecal metabolomics could be used
to study IR pathogenesis, as many
features of fecal metabolomic data
were more efficient at predicting
IR compared to 16S rRNA sequencing and metagenomics
• Fecal carbohydrates are increased
in IR, as monosaccharides were increased in the feces of individuals
with IR and MetS
• When administered to mice, Alistipes indistinctus (A. indistinctus) was
able to reduce diet-induced obesity
and IR, through ameliorating ectopic triglyceride accumulation in
the liver and glucose intolerance
Although carbohydrate metabolism
has been implicated in obesity and
prediabetes before, the actual biological
link has not been thoroughly studied,
and Takeuchi et al.’s findings suggest
that fecal metabolomics may be an
efficient way to study IR pathogenesis,
compared to other methods such as 16S
rRNA sequencing and metagenomics.
Through using metabolomics, they were
able to identify fecal metabolites involved in IR. They found that excessive
monosaccharides can further ectopic
lipid accumulation and activate immune
cells, leading to a host inflammatory response and increased IR. However, the
team found that A. indistinctus administration in mice was able to improve lipid
accumulation and alleviate IR, thereby
suggesting the role that IS-associated
bacteria could play in treating IR.
In order to improve understanding of
how to treat patients with IR, it is important to understand the interactions
that occur between the gut microbiome,
the immune system and nutrients that
are fed to the body on a daily basis. By
utilizing metabolomics, Takeuchi et
al. were better able to understand the
role that fecal carbohydrates play in the
development of IR. Additionally, they
realized the role that gut bacteria could
hold in reducing IR, which suggests the
potential for probiotics to be a therapy
for patients with Type 2 diabetes.
Further experimentation is required to
understand the mechanisms of A. indistinctus absorption and the specific ways
in which it affects host metabolism, such
as further examining how they suppress
carbohydrate metabolism. Additionally,
it would be important to assess how
insulin signaling occurs in not only the
liver, but also peripheral tissues, such
as skeletal tissue and adipose tissue, to
improve understanding of the wholebody impact of therapeutics that could
potentially treat IR.
This study shows promise in better
understanding the role that microbial
metabolism plays in the development
and course of insulin resistance in
patients with Type 2 diabetes. Not
only does it reveal new ways to study
insulin resistance, but it also demonstrates the potential that IS-associated
probiotics could have in treating
people with diabetes. However, the
next step is to conduct a longitudinal
study in order to determine the role of
microbial metabolism in patients with
diabetes in the long-term and thereby
inform scientists on the development
of long-lasting therapies to combat
insulin resistance. ⚫
1. Takeuchi T, Kubota T, Nakanishi Y, et al. Gut
microbial carbohydrate metabolism contributes to insulin resistance [published online
ahead of print, 2023 Aug 30]. Nature. 2023.
Fecal metabolomics could be
used to study IR
Disseminate Your
Research With Us
We know how important it is to disseminate your findings
when working in research, but also what a challenge it can be
to find opportunities beyond the conference hall. We want to
address this!
Technology Networks is spearheading
a project to help researchers raise
the profile of their work to a wider
audience and increase coverage of
the fantastic research papers out
there that may not get the media
attention they deserve.
There is a lot of great
research output and a very
engaged audience that wants
to hear about it, so share your
work with us!
Find Out
f you work in science, be it as a student, postdoc or seasoned professor,
you’ve probably received an email
from a predatory conference provider. The message comes in many forms,
often arriving many times a week, but
will read something like the following:
Dear Valued Professor [whether you are a
professor or not is irrelevant],
Please be joining us for the next instalment
of our top quality scientific program at the
423rd International Conference on Varied
Research Activities and Information Sharing, to be held in the finest venues [read:
budget motel] that your country has
to offer.
For just the low, low price of [this will not
be a low price] we can offer you a poster,
speaker, plenary, conference organizing
committee position, where you can share
your amazing research and add to your
well endowad [sic] CV.
Sign up now!!
Shakira Baratheon, Customer Service
Rep, Incredible Science Conferences LLP.
Now, as much as we would all like
to enhance our standing in our individual research fields, the truth is
that Shakira cannot help you with
this goal. Predatory conferences
are the ramshackle, distant cousin of
your regular scientific event, a Fyre
Festival of science (without the
involvement of Ja Rule). While many
readers might assume that, should you
accept her offer and send money for a
booking fee, Shakira would simply
take the cash and run, I can assure
you that these events do actually
take place. I should know – I
attended one.
The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding
Predatory Conferences
The standard of these events is,
however, likely to be rather pitiful.
Would-be attendees should expect
missing plenary speakers, multiple
fields of research smashed together
in a Frankenstein program and an absence of the important academic rigor
that fuels the conferences that scientists know and love. The companies
organizing these events are motivated
by profit above all else. When tickets
are sold at hundreds of dollars a pop,
with logistics either outsourced to
bemused academic organizing committees or poorly paid administrators,
there are huge margins to be realized
in the predatory conference field.
The problem is that it is getting harder
to separate fake conferences from
real ones.
For every few shoddy, eyebrow-raising emails from Shakira and colleagues, there will now likely be one
or two slick emails, pumped out by a
ChatGPT-assisted administrator, that
look a lot more believable. Searching
online is futile as well. A cursory Google search for “Biology Conferences”
turns up at least two results that link
to predatory conference companies
in high-ranking positions on the
first page.
Given this deluge of dodgy science,
I have created a guide to spotting
and avoiding predatory conferences,
which, should you follow it, will
help you avoid getting hoodwinked,
scammed, swindled, stung, defrauded
or bunkoed by predatory conferences.
These events are always updating
their tactics, however, so please reach
out if you have any questions about
predatory conferences.
Have you got a passion for “sceince”?
Or webpage design? The first tip I
have for you is also the most straightforward. Whether you are studying
an unprompted email or a conference
webpage, look for shoddy writing
quality or outlandish layouts. As an
example here, I will use the predatory
conference provider, Conference Series. As a rule – see the gray areas of
predatory science below – it is hard
to definitively call any particular
conference provider entirely predatory, but I feel comfortable doing so
with Conference Series. It is owned
by OMICS International, a company
that was slapped with a still-unpaid
$50 million fine by the US Federal Trade Commission for their
“deceptive” practices.
In terms of red flags, the Conference
Series site has it all: eye-watering
fonts, weird capitalization, spelling
errors and brutal UX design which
makes you feel unwell just from
scrolling. Please take this nausea as
an indicator of quality and click away
from these sites.
The second tip I have for you is also
straightforward but should be at the
forefront of your decision-making
when it comes to choosing a conference. Ask yourself, “Do I know
anyone who has attended one of these
conferences before?” and “Is this a
conference I have been recommended
by my institution, university, or lab
leadership?” If the answer to either of
these questions is “no”, please talk to
your colleagues and get their read on
the event. The dominant conferences
in your field are probably in that position because they have proved time
and time again that they can deliver
a valuable experience for attendees.
Do you really need to set out on an
uncharted course by attending a new
conference no one has ever heard of ?
The advice above should prove handy
for avoiding the most obvious scam
conferences. But the reality is that
most people who end up attending
these events likely don’t have a
support network they can consult.
Here, I will dig deeper into the smaller
clues that give away potentially predatory providers that you can investigate solo.
If you have ever attended a decent
scientific conference, you may have
noticed that they seem rather a pain
to put on. There’s a huge amount of
planning that goes into making sure
even smaller events run well. If the
You might be wondering why we don’t simply provide a list of websites to
avoid in this guide.
There are two key reasons.
1. Stamping out predatory providers can become a game of whack-ascam. Every time you mark out a provider as dodgy, the company
behind the conferences will likely switch to a new domain or name
and continue as before.
2. Predatory or not? University of Colorado librarian Jeffrey Beall
attempted to make a list of predatory journal companies back in 2008.
But Beall was eventually forced to take the list down, having received
both legal threats from predators and rebukes from legitimate
providers that had failed some of his stringent quality tests, such as
the open-access journal provider Frontiers.
© 2023 Google,, iStock
provider you are consulting is organizing, say, 25 conferences in a single
month, all around the globe, on every
different conceivable topic, you can
make one of two assumptions. Either
that said provider has the logistical
acumen of Hannibal’s chief elephant
mountaineer and a bank balance to
make Bernard Arnault look like a
medieval peasant, or that the conferences this provider arranges are
individually going to be rather poor.
Examine the volume of events being
put on by the provider and weigh up
for yourself how likely it is that they
can happen at an acceptable standard.
Time for a bit of amateur sleuthing.
Many respectable conferences, such
as this brain reporter’s favorite, the
Society for Neuroscience’s Annual
Meeting, are organized by a learned
society that is made up of researchers
in the field. It shouldn’t take much
fumbling about on the provider’s
website to turn up some basic contact
information. Do the provider’s details
match what you’d expect from the
organization? Take legitimate conference non-profit Gordon Research
Conferences. These folks are very
much not predators and put on a host
of interdisciplinary events each year.
A quick search shows that they are
based at 512 Liberty Lane in South
Kingstown, Rhode Island. A hop on
Google Maps Street View shows us
that there is indeed a rather large
building with the Gordon Research
Conferences logo on the side.
A similar hunt for Conference Series’
European HQ shows a residential
street in the town of Constanta in
eastern Romania. They appear to be
based out of a housing block. With all
due respect to Constanta, is this likely to be the epicenter of the academic
monolith that Conference Series
claims to be?
The speaker lineup is a huge draw at
the best academic events. Hearing
from and chatting with the brightest
minds in your field can be a thrill. But
if your conference lineup looks like
a random administrator has scraped
headshots from academic websites
from across the globe and pasted
them in haphazardly, you might want
to take a pause. Look closely at the
speakers listed – do their headshots
look warped? Do they represent a
span of disciplines that bears little
resemblance to the topics under discussion? Do searches of their profiles
online turn up blanks? Probably a
predator. Be warned, however, that
this is not a golden rule, as some
conferences will pay a lone plenary
speaker an exorbitant fee to turn up,
speak and lend some legitimacy to
proceedings. Look carefully through
the whole speaker list. Some of them
might be listed at institutions that no
longer exist. Some of the speakers
may no longer exist themselves;
predatory conferences are not
above including dead speakers in
their lineups.
Even if you feel that your sleuthing
skills are up to the challenge these
conferences pose, I would still urge
caution. These organizations are
always changing their strategies, and
I intend to update this guide as I am
made aware of new approaches and
tactics. If I can leave you with one
final maxim, it’s this: academic science
is a ruthless and competitive business;
if someone offers you a cushy speaker
slot out of the blue, or an oddly specific conference invite arrives in your
inbox, think twice before accepting
the offer. ⚫
Conference Series' "HQ" in Constanta, Romania.
Gordon Research Conferences' "HQ" in Rhode Island.
Exploring the Next Frontier in Food
Climate change and a growing global population are
putting our planet under
immense pressure. Our
current food systems, the activities
related to producing and consuming
food and their economic, health and
environmental effects are pushing us
toward the planetary boundaries.
“Our food system is at a pivotal moment; there is enormous potential for
innovation to unlock more healthy,
accessible and sustainable diets for all,
but we are simultaneously facing huge
global challenges,” says Richard Zaltzman, chief impact officer at EIT Food,
a pan-European organization working
to build an innovative, inclusive and
resilient food system. “The decisions
we make now, from across policy and
investment to lifestyle and behavior,
will have a significant impact on our
future food system.”
The food industry is already a major
contributor to climate change, with
emissions from worldwide agriculture
and livestock activity reaching 9.3
billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (Gt CO2eq) in 2018, and unless
something changes, emissions could
increase by 15 to 20% by 2050.
To mitigate the negative impacts of increased production and ensure future
food supplies, the food industry must
establish a sustainable food system
from farm to fork, protect resources
and use them efficiently and effectively. As consumers, our relationship with
food – how we grow, produce and eat it,
must change in response to increased
demand and warming conditions. But
how can this be achieved?
The United Nations expects the global
population to rise to 9.7 billion within
the next 30 years. As food production
increases to keep up, more land will
be needed for livestock and crops,
generating increased greenhouse gas
emissions. Feeding a growing population in a changing climate, with limited
land and finite resources, is a difficult
task. The additional space needed
for farming will compete with that
required for housing needs, and just
as housing developers are building up,
farmers will have to consider farming
upwards to make the most of the
space available.
Vertical farming involves growing
crops like tomatoes, mushrooms and
strawberries in stacked layers, typically in factory-style situations, often
without soil and sunlight.
Such farms utilize low-value land that
might not otherwise be used for food
production, and have even been adopted outside of Earth’s atmosphere.
Additionally, 1 acre of vertical farm is
capable of producing the equivalent
of between 10 to 20 acres of conventional farming. Because the method
is highly controlled, crops that are
less vulnerable to the climate, pests
and pathogens can be grown all year
round, regardless of the season.
To ensure future food security,
farmers must also ensure their crops
are robust enough to survive under
changing conditions. Biotechnological solutions – those using biological
systems, living organisms or parts of
them to develop different products –
could be key.
Precision breeding, or gene editing,
allows plant and animal breeders to
precisely modify DNA by removing
or altering genes at a specific location
to create an organism with desirable
genetic traits, such as resistance to
pests or disease, essentially expediting the natural selection process. It’s
different from genetic modification, a
more controversial technique, which
introduces specific genes – often from
another species – to the plant or animal’s genome.
The technique has shown promise for
breeding cacao trees with enhanced
resistance to disease; developing barley, rice and tomatoes with increased
disease resistance and breeding a type
of tomato plant with shortened stems
that grows faster and requires less
space, making it suitable for vertical
farming. Scientists have also edited
hen DNA so that only female eggs
develop when blue light is shone on
their fertilized eggs. Bull calves have
been genetically edited to produce
Feeding a growing population in
a changing climate, with limited
land and finite resources,
is a difficult task.
more male offspring, meaning that the
same amount of beef can be produced
using fewer cattle.
Agriculture produces 23.7 million tons
of food per day, and methods have
changed considerably since our ancestors first farmed the land. Mechanization of automated manual labor with
machines like tractors and combine
harvesters has made industrial farming
on large scales possible. A second revolution, which implements agricultural
technology and introduces innovative
and sustainable practices, can further
improve the efficiency and yield of
crops and reshape our food systems for
the better.
And it starts with seeds; the human
eye currently evaluates seedlings, but
robots equipped with machine vision
and artificial intelligence (AI) could
be taught to recognize desirable traits
to aid plant breeding, speeding up or
even ending the laborious process of
sorting seedlings.
“Agriculture is a rapidly growing area
for machine learning applications, and
we can expect to see more aspects of
our food production supported by AI,
robotics and automation in the coming
years,” says Zaltzman.
Robotic farmers equipped with AI,
GPS and machine learning can help
farmers care for plants at an individual
level. They are employed at all stages of
the farming process, from autonomously mapping the land to planting seeds,
predicting soil moisture, nutrients and
soil carbon, weeding and herbicide
distribution and pest and disease
detection. Such technology ensures
only those plants needing attention
receive it, helping to conserve resources and resulting in environmental and
financial savings.
Drones can perform similar tasks,
including automating the inspection
of fields for pest or weed outbreaks,
gathering data and measuring the soil
humidity, and delivering livestock
vaccines to remote areas.
Robots also have a role to play after
harvesting to monitor the health of the
produce. Engineers have developed a
robotic device that “swims” through
grain stores using a patented technology and helps to ensure the quality of
the stocks and prevent food waste.
And it’s not just on the land; new technologies are trickling into aquaculture
too. Farming of aquatic animals and
plants could meet up to two-thirds of
global seafood consumption by 2030,
but it’s inefficient and often results
in overexploitation of resources, impacting the environment and aquatic
biodiversity. Many fish species are
caught as bycatch due to indiscriminate fishing methods. New devices
that “tune” fishing nets by emitting
light that can attract or repel different
species of fish, are helping to support
sustainable fishing.
A quarter of food produced for human consumption goes uneaten, with
EIT Food estimating that 88 million
tons are wasted in Europe alone.
It’s time to “reboot the system”,
the organization says, in favor of a
circular economy that uses resources efficiently to reduce food lost
throughout the farming and sorting
processes, and beyond.
“We are seeing a growing shift
across the supply chain to embed
circular principles,” says Zaltzman.
Smart technology, including camera,
weighing scales and waste bins are
being integrated into the food service
industry. The approach will “help
companies to make more informed
choices about food purchasing, to
reduce waste,” Zaltzman adds.
During sorting, foods like fruit and
vegetables are often discarded because they are considered of sub-standard quality, the wrong shape or color,
for example. Sensor-based sorting machines can detect and eject unwanted
products from manufacturing and
processing lines and redirect them,
thus reducing food waste. “Where it’s
impossible to reduce waste, entrepreneurs are also looking at innovative
ways to give by-products a new life,
Zaltzman says. Fruit pits, for example,
can be rescued and converted into
useful products such as spreads, oils
and milk alternatives.
Best before and sell-by dates were
introduced in the 1970s as a means
of determining the freshness of our
foods, often with little scientific
basis or uniformity. Roughly 60% of
the food wasted in the UK is edible,
thrown away by consumers tied
to such dates. Extending the shelf
life of perishable products could
reduce retail waste by 50%, and 63%
in the home.
Researchers are working on various
means of determining the freshness
of our food in real-time, including
cellulose-paper-based gas sensors
that sense water-based gases like
ammonia from spoiled meat and fish,
food packaging containing low-cost
pH sensors that can tell when foods
like fish, fruits, milk and honey have
spoiled and colorimetric sensors that
detect ethylene, a gas given off when
fruit ripens.
As consumers, we also have a role to
play. We are more aware than ever
that our choices, including what we
eat and how we shop, have an impact
on the environment and sustainability.
Thanks to our ability to import produce from around the world, we have
lost touch with the seasonality of
foods. Instead of expecting foods to
be available all year round, we should
consider eating seasonal produce and
look at labels to see how far our food
has traveled from farm to fork. “With
a global pandemic, climate change and
international conflict exposing the
fragility of our food system in recent
years, we are finding consumers increasingly acknowledging the value of
local, seasonal produce,” says Zaltzman. “More effort is needed to embed
sustainability throughout our supply
chains, from supporting and incentivizing farmers to adopt regenerative
farming practices, right through to
making sustainable food choices more
transparent, affordable and accessible
for consumers.”
Our choice of diet – vegetarian, vegan,
pescatarian or meat-based – also has
an impact, and there are justifications
for which is best not only for our
health but the health of the planet.
“How we eat has a huge impact on
our planetary boundaries, and we
know farming animals in particular
disproportionately contributes to
these severe and escalating impacts,”
explains Nicola Harris, communications director of Plant Based Treaty,
a landmark grassroots campaign
that aims to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions from animal agriculture.
“Farming animals is a leading cause
of Amazon deforestation, land-use
change, species extinction, water
pollution, methane emissions and
ocean dead zones. To ensure a safe
Roughly 60% of the food
wasted in the UK is edible,
thrown away by consumers
tied to such dates.
and livable planet, we need to use our
resources wisely to prevent crossing
dangerous tipping points.”
We are increasingly seeing a shift
towards plant-based diets which is
essential if we want to live safely
within our planetary boundaries, Harris says: “A plant-based food system
would deliver huge cuts to methane
emissions, of which a third come from
animal farming globally. Global methane cuts of around 45% this decade
could prevent a 0.3°C temperature
rise by 2045.”
A recent analysis of the diets of
55,000 vegans, vegetarians, fish-eaters and meat-eaters found vegan diets
had just 30% of the environmental impact of a high-meat diet, and per unit
of food consumed, meat and dairy had
between 3 and 100 times the environmental impact of plant-based foods.
“If existing healthy eating and environmental behavior guidelines were
updated to promote the benefits of
eating plant-based food, we could prevent 45,000 deaths annually and save
the NHS £1.2 billion,” Harris adds.
The study suggests that even small
changes, like eating less meat or opting for meat alternatives, could have a
profound impact. Low meat diets have
a much lower impact on the environment compared to high meat diets,
with a reduction of 70% across most
environmental measures, leading the
authors to say: “You don’t have to go
full vegan or even vegetarian to make
a big difference.”
But reducing meat consumption can
also reduce the amount of protein in
the diet. Proteins are essential for a
number of bodily functions, including in their roles as hormones and
enzymes, and therefore need to be
supplemented in a low-protein diet.
What alternative sources are there?
There are a range of products such
as tofu, tempeh, seitan, pulses, algae,
seeds, nuts and insects, the aim
of which is to mimic the physical
and organoleptic properties of our
meat staples, using technology to
provide similar texture and flavor.
Plant-based proteins, like soy, peas,
lentils, lupine, chickpeas, rapeseed,
canola and rapeseed are considered
healthier and more sustainable than
meat, and have a lower environmental
impact. Due to their presence on
supermarket shelves, they are already
familiar to consumers and generally
well accepted.
Lab-grown meat is produced by growing in animal cell cultures, resulting in
a product that resembles traditional
meat in texture and appearance.
Despite it being more efficient to produce, requiring lower resources per
unit of meat, consumers are concerned
about its safety because it is artificial.
Likewise, insects are rich in proteins
and essential amino acids and readily
available, but our negative perception
often affects our ability to view them
as a suitable meat alternative.
Farmers and the food industry are
already making strides in the right
direction to ensure future food security, by adapting current farming
practices or adopting new ones
designed to decrease waste, cut
greenhouse gas emissions or ensure
agricultural land is used as sustainably as possible. There is still much
more to be done, and consumers are
guiding farmers and industry with
their purchasing behavior, opting for
sustainability and environmentally
friendly options, over inefficiency
and wastefulness.
“How consumer behavior will change
in the future depends largely on the
steps we take right now,” says Zaltzman. “With so many entrepreneurs
developing exciting solutions across
the supply chain, from sustainable
agriculture inputs to circular packaging solutions, we need to find ways
to communicate clearly and transparently about the increased choices
available to consumers and empower
them to make dietary choices that
align with their values.” ⚫
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As the world’s population continues to grow, so too does
the strain on its resources
– including our food supply.
Traditional agriculture methods for
the production of protein-rich foods
typically center around the farming of
livestock such as cattle, sheep, goats,
pigs and poultry. However, despite its
continued practice, animal husbandry
is now accepted to be responsible for
significant environmental concerns.1,2,3
Alternative sources of protein-rich
food such as insects, plant-based products and lab-grown or cultured meats
now garner significant interest from
food manufacturers across the world.
However, despite their early promise,
alternative protein foods face a largely
uncertain future. As food manufacturers continue to navigate new and
uncertain markets, several analytical
techniques lie at the forefront of future
food development.
Here, we explore five key considerations in the development and testing
of alternative protein foods, highlighting some of the common analytical
techniques used to evaluate their sensory, nutritional and economic viability.
Healthy adults require a balanced
diet of macro and micronutrients for
body tissue maintenance and repair.4,5
While daily intake requirements for a
healthy adult may vary (depending
on several factors such as age, sex,
body weight and physical activity
level) the United States Department
The Future of Food: Five Key
Considerations in Alternative
Protein Food Production
of Agriculture (USDA) suggests a recommended dietary allowance (RDA)
of 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of body
While it is possible to meet
daily intake requirements from plant
protein sources, some experts argue
that protein adequacy may be difficult
to achieve on some plant-based diets.8
Protein content and type has become
a focus for food manufacturers
catering to the needs of plant-based
diets. Protein sources vary in their
molecular structure, and hence have
different digestibility, bioavailability
and nutritional profiles.4 Methods
for determining the digestibility of
dietary protein typically center around
the digestible indispensable amino
acid score (DIAAS) as a measure of
in vivo metabolism.9
DIAAS scores
are calculated by estimating the mass
of each digestible amino acid in 1 g of
dietary protein obtained from ileal
samples.10 The results are compared to
a known reference to assess the degree
of protein breakdown. Amino acids are
typically measured using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass
spectrometry (HPLC-MS) methods.11
HPLC-MS can validate the presence
of essential and non-essential amino
acids, therefore also indicating the
completeness of protein-rich foods.
In dietary terms, “completeness” refers
to the nutritional content of a food.
Complete foods contain all nutrients
required for optimal health, including
each of the nine essential amino acids
12 Many plant proteins are low
in levels of the EAA lysine and hence,
cannot be considered nutritionally
complete.13,14 Food manufacturers address this issue by combining multiple
protein sources; thus, helping to meet
dietary protein requirements using
only plant-based sources.15,16,17
The success of alternative protein
food products is largely determined by
consumer acceptance.18 In fact, acceptance studies report that consumers
are more satisfied by products that accurately replicate the taste, texture and
aroma of animal-derived meat.
Sensory assessments can help manufacturers in evaluating consumer
preferences. Such studies typically
involve a hedonic analysis in the
form of a sensory evaluation questionnaire alongside instrumental
measurements that produce more
quantitative results.20,21 During a hedonic analysis, volunteers typically
report upon the aroma, texture, taste
and mouthfeel of a product.20 As sensory parameters can be subjective,
it's important that manufacturers
use trained evaluators and standardized analytical methods alongside
supporting instrumental data. Gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry
(GC-MS) methods can support
scientists in defining the exact flavor
and aroma compounds that drive consumer acceptance.22 Hence, GC-MS
methods can guide food producers
to develop plant-based products that
accurately replicate the desirable and
familiar sensory characteristics of
meat. GC-MS has been used to create
plant-based protein-rich alternatives
to meats such as pork, chicken and
Additionally, understanding a product’s water retention and biomechanical properties can help manufacturers
expedite the development of new
ingredient formulations and attain
desirable textures. Rheological and
viscosity analyses can provide information about the fluid flow and internal resistance of a novel food substance. Using technologies such as
rheometers and viscometers, scientists can directly measure the mechanical properties of novel protein
foods. Hence, such analyses can provide insights into how animal-derived
dairy proteins could be replaced.25
While alternative protein foods must
certainly meet consumers’ sensory expectations and nutritional needs, they
must also meet robust safety standards.26 As the variety of alternative
protein foods becomes increasingly
diverse, so too do the potential risks
that surround novel products’ safety.
Insects – consumed either as finely
ground meal or as whole foods – are
a staple protein source in many
countries around the world.27 However, microbiological safety concerns
remain a barrier to the mass production of insect-based foods across the
Western world.28,29 The insect gut
microbiome is home to a variety of
bacterial species and therefore represents a potential source of human
pathogen contamination. While most
insect-dwelling commensals cannot
infect humans, an explosion in their
popularity has sparked significant
analytical interest in the microbiological analysis of insect-based foods.30
Researchers now use a variety of
genomic techniques to profile insect-based foods and their accompanying microbiomes. DNA barcoding
– a method of species identification
that relies on “reading” short fragDIAAS % = 100 x [(mg of digestible
dietary indispensable amino acid in
1 g of the dietary protein) /(mg of the
same dietary indispensable amino
acid in 1 g of the reference protein)].
ments of genomic material – can now
be used to recognize insect species
in raw and processed insect-based
foods.30,31 Correct species identification allows researchers and manufacturers to ensure safety standards,
ruling out potential toxicity, allergens
and contamination.
Alongside increasing environmental awareness, new opportunities
have been identified to assess the
sustainability of alternative protein
foods.32 Insect proteins are largely
considered to be one of the most
sustainable protein sources for
large-scale production; this is largely
due to their high nutrient density
and relatively small requirement for
land and resources.33 New reporting
frameworks have been recently
developed to assess the climate, biodiversity and nutritional impacts of
insect protein foods. The framework
combines environmental, social and
governance data to highlight and
monitor the benefits of different
production methods for the purpose
of ongoing sustainability.
While many measures of sustainability incorporate factors such as land
and water usage into their analysis,
algal proteins – which can be cultivated at sea – are also expected to
contribute to the futureproofing of
our food supply.34,35 While algae are
yet to be fully domesticated as a protein-rich crop, their high digestible
macronutrient content and potential
for large-scale aquaculture offer
great promise in the future of novel
food production.
Manufacturing costs and product
affordability are also important
considerations in the production of
alternative protein foods. If products
are too expensive at the point of purchase, they will fail to offer a sustainable solution on the global market.36
Lab-grown or cultured meat offers a
high degree of engineering potential,
both for health benefits and consumer preferences.37 However, current
challenges surround the high costs of
large-scale production.38 To produce
lab-grown meat, animal muscle cells
are grown outside the body using a
process called tissue culture.
39 During
tissue culture, cells are maintained
in a nutrient-rich solution known as
“media." While each cell type has its
own media requirements, all media
formulations contain a range of essential nutrients that support tissue
growth and cell metabolism.
Spent media analysis can help support the affordability of cultured
meat products by providing information about the metabolic needs of cultured cells. It can help manufacturers
optimize the composition of their
growing media and hence reduce
expenditure on unnecessary supplement costs.38,39,40 Spent media analyses are conducted by a combination
of standard techniques such as HPLC
and inductively coupled plasma-mass
spectrometry (ICP-MS). HPLC
methods detect a range of biological
molecules and nutritional compounds, meanwhile, ICP-MS methods support the detection of trace
elements. If cells appear not to utilize
the fullest availability of nutrients
in their media, manufacturers can
reduce their concentration, therefore
minimizing production costs.
The development and production of
high-protein novel foods requires
careful consideration with respect to
their taste, nutritional and sustainability profiles as well as regulatory
compliance. Hence, these factors must
be balanced to ensure that the products are both acceptable to consumers
and safe for sustained consumption.
Various analytical techniques ranging
from sensory analyses to chromatography methods can be employed to
ensure that products are safe, satiating
and sustainable. However, challenges
remain in navigating the uncertain
markets of novel alternative protein foods. ⚫
The success of
alternative protein
food products is
largely determined
by consumer
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ISSUE 04, JULY 2021
cy in
Mountains and
Making the World
a Better Place
Regulating Heavy
Metals in Baby Food
The Alpha and Omega
of COVID-19: Yes,
the Pandemic Will
End (but Not Soon)
and the
Road to
Net Zero
Uncovering Key
Between CancerDriving Proteins
Disparities in
Healthcare and
Clinical Research
Closing the
Vaccine Gap
ISSUE 03, JUNE 2021
s a
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The Physicality
ofConsciousnessISSUE 07, OCTOBER 2021
Return From
The Neuroscience
of Creativity
Hidden Secrets of the
Human Microbiome
COVID-19: Vaccine
What the World’s
First Pig to Human
Heart Transplant
Could Mean for the
Future of Transplants
Unpicking the
Complexities of the
Cancer Microbiome
A New Approach to
Treating Superbugs
Influenza and
the Holy Grail
Lost Women
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Why the Meat
Paradox Causes
Cognitive Dissonance
for Millions of People
The Omicron Variant
Highlights the Need
for Smarter, FutureProof Vaccine Design
The Pursuit
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Open Science
ISSUE 02, MAY 2021
Biodegradation of
Synthetic Plastic in
the Marine Habitat
A Step Closer to
Insulin for Diabetes
ThreePsychologyHistory, Mystery
and DNA Analysis
Mental Health and
Mental Illness in
Higher Education
Tapping the Ancient
Power of Microalgae
Turning On the
Vaccine Tap
Great and
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