The Scientific Observer Issue 29
Published: September 6, 2023
In clinical trials exploring psychedelic drugs for the treatment of mental illness, many patients report life-changing effects. But what happens when patients assigned to the placebo arm also report similar experiences? Issue 29 explores the power of the placebo in psychedelic trials, asking leading experts why this phenomenon occurs and what it means for the future of these drugs in clinical practice.
Also in issue 29:
- How a CRISPR-Like System Was Discovered in Eukaryotes
- Fragment-Based Drug Discovery Enters the Mainstream
- Novel Psychoactive Substances
As a thank you for downloading this issue of The Scientific Observer, you’ll receive an exclusive visual guide to the key psychedelic drugs.
How a CRISPR-Like System
Was Discovered
in Eukaryotes
Cicadas Could Help Us
Develop Future Self-Cleaning
Everyday Surfaces
The Power
of Placebo in
Psychedelic Trials
Ruairi Mackenzie
How a CRISPRLike System Was
Discovered in
Eukaryotes 06
Molly Campbell
Cicadas Could
Help Us Develop
Future Self-Cleaning
Everyday Surfaces 10
Sreehari Perumanath
The Power of
Placebo in
Psychedelic Trials 12
Ruairi J Mackenzie
Fragment-Based Drug
Discovery Enters the
Mainstream 20
Alison Halliday
06 20
Welcome to issue 29 of The Scientific Observer, the monthly magazine brought to you by Technology Networks.
Each month, our newsroom team brings you a handpicked selection of our favorite scientific news stories
from the previous month. In this issue, we’re delighted to
highlight further advances in the exciting field of ancient
DNA analysis, where researchers have discovered that
Sambaqui societies were genetically diverse groups.
Over at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a
pioneering study reveals how general anesthetics affect
our brain waves, insights that might aid our voyage into
the unknowns of human unconsciousness.
In “The Power of Placebo in Psychedelic Trials”, Ruairi
J Mackenzie embarks on a journey into the enigmatic
interplay between perception and healing. The astonishing influence of placebo in the realm of psychedelic
clinical trials presents an array of challenges for both
investigators and patients. In this feature article, leading
experts in the psychedelics space describe their experiences with patients and their theories on why this
phenomenon occurs.
Also in issue 29, Dr. Feng Zhang – a trailblazer in
the field of genome editing – sits down with Molly
Campbell to discuss his laboratory's journey to discovering a novel CRISPR-like system in eukaryotes.
“Fanzor” carries many advantages over CRISPR-Cas9,
but will it replace it?
This, and much more in issue 29.
We hope you enjoy this issue of The Scientific Observer.
Subscribe to make sure you never miss an issue.
The Technology Networks Editorial Team
Have an idea for a story?
If you would like to contribute to
The Scientific Observer, please feel free
to email our friendly editorial team.
Alison Halliday, PhD
Dr. Halliday is as an award-winning
freelance science communications
specialist with 20+ years of experience across academia and industry.
Molly Campbell
Molly Campbell is a senior science
writer at Technology Networks.
Ruairi J Mackenzie
Ruairi J Mackenzie is a senior science
writer at Technology Networks.
Sreehari Perumanath, PhD
Dr. Perumanath is a Leverhulme
Early Career Research Fellow at the
University of Warwick.
From the Newsroom
André Strauss, Victor Freitas / Unsplash, Jon Tyson/Unsplash
DNA analysis of ancient remains, obtained across four different parts
of Brazil, reveal new insights into the ancient communities that occupied eastern South America thousands of years ago.
JOURNAL: Nature Ecology and Evolution.
Ancient Sambaqui Societies Were
Genetically Diverse
The benefits of exercise on human health are numerous, but how
different types of training can impact the health of our skin isn’t yet
clear. A new study suggests that resistance training can improve
skin elasticity and dermal thickness in women.
JOURNAL: Scientific Reports.
How Resistance Training Helps To
“Rejuvenate” Aging Skin
A new study has constructed an “aging clock” for the female body
– information missing from previous studies of aging. The research
mapped four domains of biological aging – chronic inflammation,
hormonal regulation, tissue fitness and lipid metabolism – that can
together accurately measure female biological age.
Points in Life Where Women
Age Fastest Identified Using
Biological Clocks
iStock. Gregory Pappas/Unsplash, danilo.alvesd/Unsplash
Want to learn more?
Check out the Technology Networks newsroom.
Spelunking the depths of unconsciousness may have gotten a notch
easier, as researchers from MIT unveil a pioneering study on how
general anesthetics affect our brain waves.
JOURNAL: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Brain Wave Study Reveals Secrets
of Unconsciousness
A study has found that changes to our sleeping patterns – such as
getting up early on weekdays and lying in on the weekend, known
as “social jet lag” – are associated with harmful bacteria in the gut.
JOURNAL: The European Journal of Nutrition
Disrupted Sleeping Patterns Are
Associated With Harmful Gut
The first oral pill specifically for treating postpartum depression –
Zurzuvae™ (zuranolone) – has been approved by the FDA. Data
from two Phase 3 clinical trials show that a 2-week course of daily
zuranolone provided rapid improvements in PPD symptoms.
First Pill for Postpartum
Depression Approved by FDA
iStock modified
At the McGovern Institute
for Brain Research of MIT,
Professor Feng Zhang’s
laboratory discovers and
develops gene-editing systems that
can be harnessed as research tools and
potential therapeutics. Renowned for
his innovative approaches to science
and technology, Zhang is considered
a leading scientist in the CRISPR
research field.
After the discovery and characterization of CRISPR-Cas systems in
prokaryotic organisms over a decade
ago, CRISPR-based genome editing
is utilized across an ever-growing list
of applications, from basic research to
gene therapy development and modern
agriculture. Zhang has long wondered
whether a similar system could exist
in other kingdoms of life. Now, he has
an answer.
Last month, Zhang’s lab published what
he describes as “the most comprehensive study we have reported in a single
paper to date” in Nature. The paper
outlines the team’s discovery and characterization of the first programmable
RNA-guided system in eukaryotes,
which centers around an RNA-guided
endonuclease named Fanzor. Many scientists had been doubtful that such systems could exist in complex life forms.
“It's typical cleverness from the Zhang
lab, proving them wrong," says geneticist Ethan Bier, who was not involved in
the research.
Fanzor is encoded within transposable
elements of the eukaryotic genome.
“We have known about eukaryotic
Fanzor proteins for many years now
(the protein sequences were discovered
by others many years ago), but the
first time we suspected that they might
How a CRISPR-Like System Was
Discovered in Eukaryotes
iStock modified
be RNA-guided nucleases is when
we were studying the ancestry of
proteins like Cas9 and Cas12 a few
years ago,” says Zhang.
In 2021, Zhang and colleagues were
exploring the evolution and functions
of IscB proteins in bacteria. IscB
proteins are nucleases encoded in
a family of “jumping genes” called
IS200/IS605. At that point, the function and interactions of IscB had not
been fully characterized. Zhang and
colleagues discovered that IscB, and
another IS200/IS605 transposon-encoded protein – TnpB, likely gave rise
to Cas9 and Cas12. In Science, they
called this class of transposon-encoded RNA-guided nucleases “OMEGA”, an acronym for obligate mobile
element–guided activity.
The researchers hypothesized that
TnpB may be the ancestor of the
eukaryotic enzyme Fanzor, because
of similarities between the two. This
further drove Zhang’s conviction that
eukaryotes may also have a CRISPRCas-like system, he describes: “Because of the conservations between
TnpB and Fanzor, we had a good
reason to think that Fanzor is most
likely also an RNA-guided OMEGA
nuclease. So, after we finished the
OMEGA study on IscB and TnpB, we
focused on studying Fanzor.”
Zhang and colleagues think that Fanzors could have evolved from TnpB
proteins that moved from bacteria
to eukaryotes in a genetic “shuffling”
of sorts. Transposable elements
containing TnpB may have “jumped”
to these new genomes via horizontal
gene transfer. “We found Fanzors in a
number of eukaryotic organisms that
live in symbiotic relationships with
prokaryotes that contain the related
TnpB proteins. We also found evidence that Fanzors spread between
eukaryotes,” he says.
The current Nature paper outlines the
extensive work undertaken by the McGovern Institute team to understand
Fanzor’s function, which included
bioinformatic evolutionary analysis,
biochemical and genetic studies,
engineering and optimization of an
enzyme for enhanced gene editing in
human cells, and CryoEM structure
The first step for the team was to address the question of whether Fanzor
is actually RNA-guided. This wasn’t
an easy feat, Zhang recalls, “Unlike
CRISPR and OMEGA systems, the
Transposable elements are DNA sequences that can change their position
within the genome, earning them the nickname of “jumping” genes.
“We are quite excited about this paper […] Typically, a single
paper would just cover one aspect of an enzyme system. For
example, we have published papers that just described the
biochemical characterization of a protein, or a paper that
described the engineering of an enzyme for genome editing,
or a paper that described the study of a protein’s structure.
This Fanzor paper is like four papers combined into a single
comprehensive paper — we have bioinformatic evolutionary
analysis, biochemical and genetic studies, engineering and
optimization of an enzyme for enhanced gene editing in human
cells, and CryoEM structure determination. It is very satisfying
to be able to report so comprehensively at once,” says Zhang.
iStock modified, Courtesy of the Zhang lab, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard/McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT.
non-coding RNA for Fanzor was
not easy to predict based on just
looking at the genomic sequence.
We had to empirically look for the
guide RNA.”
Because Fanzor is eukaryotic, it had
to be studied in a eukaryotic system,
adding further complexity to the work.
“The model organism Saccharomyces
cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) was used
instead of the bacteria Escherichia coli,
which is well established for testing
the function of CRISPR proteins. We
had to develop new assays in S. cerevisiae to study Fanzors.
The team discovered that Fanzor
shares similarities with CRISPR in
that it does interact with a guide RNA
– a molecule called omegaRNA, or
ωRNA. “The Fanzor protein is a kind
of molecular scissors that can cut
DNA. Fanzor interacts very closely
with a special piece of RNA, called
an omegaRNA, and this omegaRNA
contains a section, called the guide.
When the guideRNA sequence and
the target DNA match up, they ‘zip together’ and Fanzor can then recognize
and cut that specific piece of DNA,”
says Zhang.
“Once we had found the non-coding
RNA and had a system we could
work in, from there, we were able
to demonstrate the RNA-guided
activity and begin engineering the
system,” he adds.
Fanzor’s efficiency as a genome-editing tool was initially lower than
that of CRISPR-Cas systems when
applied in human cells. It was successful ~12% of the time, but with
genome engineering enhancements,
this efficiency could be increased.
“We made changes to both the Fanzor
protein and the omegaRNA. For the
protein, we changed amino acids that
we predicted were important for interacting with either the target DNA
or the omegaRNA to try and increase
the strength of those interaction[s],”
explains Zhang. “For the omegaRNA,
we tested several different variations
to increase its stability in human cells.
These optimizations boosted activity
~10 fold, and we are continuing to
work on engineering the system for
enhanced and extended function in
human cells.”
Technology Networks asks Zhang the
big question – does he envision that
Fanzor could one day be a superior
tool to CRISPR-Cas genome-editing,
or will it offer a complementary approach? He emphasizes that Fanzor
proteins are more compact than
CRISPR proteins, which is certainly
appealing from a delivery perspective;
the sheer size of the CRISPR system is considered the most challenging barrier to its in vivo use.
“Further refinements to improve
their targeting efficiency could make
them [Fanzor proteins] a valuable
new technology for human genome
editing,” Zhang says. “We are excited
to see how the trajectory unfolds,
and we are continuing to work to
develop Fanzor into a valuable
new technology for human genome
editing. Going forward, we are
continuing to study the biology of
Fanzor proteins and exploring ways
that we can engineer them for use as
molecular technologies.” ⚫
1. Saito M, Xu P, Faure G, et al. Fanzor is a
eukaryotic programmable RNA-guided endonuclease. Nature. 2023. doi: 10.1038/s41586-
A Cryo-EM map of a Fanzor protein (gray,
yellow, light blue and pink) in complex with
omegaRNA (purple) and its target DNA
(red). Non-target DNA strand in blue.
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Sreehari Perumanath, PhD
In a multi-institutional study led by the University of Warwick, we
investigated a model surface that mimics cicada wings to understand
precisely how the insects get rid of contaminants from them. If you are
thinking “don’t cicadas just shake the dust off their wings?”, the answer
is surprisingly no. Cicadas don’t even move a bit to clean their wings
because nature does it for them using condensing water droplets.
Our study was published in Nano Letters.
Self-cleaning surfaces like cicada
wings, gecko skin and lotus leaves have
a unique property called “super-hydrophobicity” that makes them extremely
repellent to water. Due to this, when
water droplets do fall on them, or
condense under humid conditions,
they will assume a spherical shape.
These bead-like droplets will either
roll down the surfaces due to gravity
or “jump” off them upon merging with
neighbors. In the process, they “pick
up” contaminants, removing them from
the surface. This has been observed in
recent experiments.
However, so far there have been no
theories that completely describe how
self-cleaning surfaces work in nature.
Once formulated and systematically
validated, a complete theory would
help researchers predict which liquids
can remove specific contaminants from
a given surface without any external
In our study, we formulated such a
theory, which explains self-cleaning
of various surfaces observed in previous experiments conducted at micro-to-millimeter scale. This new theory also remarkably explains the results
of our molecular simulations conducted at nanoscale. In our simulations, we
placed a nanoparticle underneath one
droplet sitting on a super-hydrophobic
surface and pushed a second droplet
towards the first. They came together,
coalesced and jumped away from the
surface, carrying away the particle.
Upon carefully investigating various
forces involved in the system, we identified the important parameters that
influenced the process. It turns out
that, prior to removing contaminants
from a surface, the droplet with a contaminant underneath will resemble a
hot-air balloon that is about to take-off
from the ground.
The key findings of the paper
• The new theory can be depicted
in a phase diagram that gives a
comprehensive idea about when
and how self-cleaning occurs.
• The pulling force experienced by
the nanoparticle/contaminant is
at its highest when the droplet is
in the hot-air balloon shape.
• The size of the droplet relative to
that of the contaminant underneath must be within a particular
range for self-cleaning to occur.
• The system parameters can be
fine-tuned to inhibit self-cleaning, if desired, and to encourage
transport of nanoparticles on
super-hydrophobic surfaces.
Our results show that water droplets
can only remove a certain class of contaminants from various surfaces. Furthermore, those contaminants cannot
be too small compared to the size of
the droplet, which is counterintuitive.
The application ambit of our improved
understanding of the process includes
manufacturing of windowpanes and
automobile surfaces that do not
require our attention to clean, and
in the design of biosensors that trap
macromolecules between accurately
placed functionalized nanoparticles.
Self-cleaning surfaces typically have
anti-icing properties too.
While the new theory reasonably
explains results of experiments and
simulations, it is not devoid of assumptions. We have only validated
the theory in scenarios where water
droplets try to remove contaminants
from various surfaces. Water is the
most used fluid in our daily lives as
well as in some industries. However,
self-cleaning characteristics of other
liquids might be of interest elsewhere.
The assumptions made in deriving the
equations that govern the self-cleaning process must be investigated
further to develop a more general
theory. Moreover, there are some
predictions made by the current
theory that can only be validated by
performing experiments at the millimeter scale, which is inaccessible to
molecular simulations. ⚫
Envato Elements, iStock
t’s a story that launched a thousand research grants. A patient suffering from treatment-resistant depression – a stubborn, chronic loss of joy that has seen off multiple traditional interventions – takes one
dose of a drug and their world opens up. Boris Heifets, a professor of anesthesiology, perioperative and
pain medicine at Stanford University, recently ran a trial of the rapidly acting antidepressant ketamine.
Heifets, who is also a by courtesy professor in Stanford’s department of psychiatry and brain sciences, is
telling me about a patient on the trial. Their response to treatment was remarkable, but familiar to those
seen in response to other psychedelic and psychedelic-adjacent drugs: “She says she’s never felt like this
before; she's talking to old friends. I can only describe it as a psychological transformation.” To Heifets, this
was a clear-cut example of ketamine’s power.
There was just one problem: the patient had been injected with plain old saline.
Heifets’s trial, currently in print
ahead of full publication, had a unique
design. Virtually all clinical trials of
novel antidepressants, like psilocybin,
DMT and ketamine, dance around a
nonsensical conceit. All split their patients into two groups – one receiving
the active, game-changing treatment
of the day, and the other a blank pill
or inert injection. This study design,
the randomized controlled trial (RCT)
approach, is intended to rule out any
contributions from the placebo effect
by shielding participants from the
knowledge of which treatment they
received. Of course, the curtain drops
away after the treatments are given.
Heifets calls this “the moment of affirmation” for those given a drug, and the
“moment of betrayal” for those in the
control group, who applied to go on a
trial with a revolutionary psychedelic
and instead find themselves sitting on
a couch, “trapped in their own head."
Heifets’s approach promised the first
fully “double-blinded” psychedelic
study. There would be no affirmation
or betrayal; patients would genuinely
have no idea which treatment they
received. That’s because they would
be fully unconscious for the duration
of the intervention.
The team hoped that this would
answer a long-standing question in
the field: is a conscious, subjective
experience required to mediate these
drugs’ effects?
Heifets’s work as an anesthesiologist
gave him access to what he calls a
“population of convenience” – people
booked in for surgery that would be
conducted under general anesthesia.
Working with such a vulnerable group
meant patient selection was important
– they recruited 40 participants, none
of whom were undergoing brain or
cardiac surgery, and all of whom had
moderate-to-severe, treatment-resistant depression. Privately, Heifets
had confident predictions about the
experiment’s outcome. The placebo
group, he had forecasted, “would
do what placebo groups have done
in anesthesia trials before, which is
get worse.” This is due, he says, to
the stress of an operation and the
subsequent recovery. He was equally
confident that patients given ketamine would get better without even
knowing that they received it, as the
body responded to neurobiological
effects that the drug induces.
Looking at the data post-experiment,
Heifets noted that the ketamine group
did get better – much better. Their
scores on the widely used Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale
(MADRS) depression scale halved on
average – an improvement on par with
that achieved in other ketamine studies with awake patients. The problem
was that patients receiving placebo
got better at the same rate.
The placebo effect has fascinated and
frustrated clinicians for decades. Henry Beecher’s influential 1955 paper, The
Powerful Placebo, reflected that these
inert substances have “doubtless been
used for centuries by wise physicians
as well as by quacks.” In the 20th
century, our ability to effectively treat
disease raced forward, and the use of
placebos to heal fell away. Instead,
Beecher championed them as a tool
that could tease out the pharmacological effects of a new drug. Chloé
Pronovost-Morgan, a researcher at
Maastricht University’s Department of
Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology, argues that in his enthusiasm
to promote placebos, Beecher made
a jump in logic that has sowed much
confusion about what they actually are.
“You still have people that are saying
the placebo is an improvement caused
by an inert pill,” she says.
Pronovost-Morgan and Heifets both
explain the same thing: the real placebo effect, also called a non-specific
effect, comes from everything but the
pill. When a clinician sits down with
a patient, the placebo effect takes in
the room they are in, the tone of voice
the doctor uses and the words they
choose to describe the intervention.
In a clinical trial, there are dozens of
treatment-related factors that have
nothing to do with what is in the pill
being trialed – all of these come under
“the single
effect in
Boris Heifets
Envato Elements, iStock
the banner of placebo. Those effects
add up and are found in many more
trials than just the ones testing psychedelics. The placebo effect is “the single
most reproducible effect in clinical
medicine, period,” says Heifets. “When
we talk about the placebo effect, that's
really how we should conceptualize
it – something that is powerful and
Gerard Sanacora, George D. and Esther S. Gross Professor of Psychiatry
at Yale University, draws on a neat
analogy to summarize placebo. “If
for 40 years of your life you take an
ibuprofen when you have a headache,
and the headache goes away, at a certain point, you can take any pill and
it's going to generate that same set of
physiologic responses, that are going
to cause your headache to go away.”
In many areas of modern medicine,
however, placebo has become a dirty
word. “In biomedical sciences, I think
that there's quite a negative, pejorative connotation to the concept of
placebo,” says Pronovost-Morgan. In
a new review paper, co-authored with
Maastricht Professor Jan Ramaekers,
she argues that psychedelic science,
and the way it has embraced non-specific effects, can provide a route to
reassessing the placebo.
For thousands of years, psychedelic
drugs were used as part of rituals by
Indigenous peoples around the globe.
The writers, researchers and free-love
hippies that spearheaded the wave of
Western psychedelic enthusiasm in
the 1950s and 60s did so with little
understanding of the unique culture
in which these rituals originally occurred. What they did realize was the
need to create a safe external setting
and internal mindset of openness and
relaxation for those embarking on
psychedelic experiences.
These factors don’t change the drug
itself – they are part of the placebo
effect. Importantly, these effects
are embraced, not rejected, by the
field. “In psychedelics, set and setting are not taboo. It's just common
knowledge, even within the lay
public, that it is important to pay
attention to these variables,” says
These details are even more important
in the context of the drugs’ effects
on the brain. They're thought of as
consciousness amplifiers, says Pronovost-Morgan: “They can put people
in a more suggestible state where
they're more responsive to the cues
around them.”
The biomedical approach to placebo
has been one of identification and
elimination. As early as 1955, Beecher
was totting up “total treatment effect”
as a sum of specific and placebo effects. The difference between the two
totals remains the key factor in assessments of RCT performance. At the
same time, the field has been aware for
decades that placebo and treatment
effect interact. “It's possible that the
placebo effect is enhanced if you realize that you are taking the active pill,”
Pronovost-Morgan points out. “This
means that the placebo effect would
not be the same in the placebo group as
in the treatment group. You can't simply pull them apart – because they're
interacting.” When dealing with psychedelic drugs and their blind-breaking potential, that possibility is
almost guaranteed.
Ramaekers and Pronovost-Morgan
suggest that a different type of trial
design that reflects this interaction
might have a benefit for psychedelic
research and beyond. This alternative
model is called a “balanced placebo”
design. Instead of two groups, there
are four: one where a participant
receives a placebo and is told they
have received a placebo, one where a
participant receives a drug and is told
they have received a drug, and two
more groups where the participants
are lied to – receiving a drug and being
told it is a placebo and receiving a
placebo and being told it is a drug.
This type of study design is unusual:
while not telling participants what
drug they are getting is standard in
clinical trials, outright deception is
more controversial. Additionally,
four-armed trials require more participants. When each patient goes
through hours of aftercare, and each
dose of the drug is heavily regulated and extortionately priced, it is
little surprise that this approach is
so rare.
Heifets’s study provides what is perhaps a window onto how powerful
the psychedelic placebo effect can be.
What Heifets regrets is not measuring expectancy, another facet of the
placebo effect with an outsize effect
in psychedelics. His view is that these
expectations of getting better are what
drove his patients’ recoveries. His data
hints at this – people whose scores
recovered thought they had received
ketamine, while non-responders
assumed they had received a placebo.
“Why would they think that, unless
they had some prior belief about the
value of ketamine?” Heifets points out.
But without having asked patients
prior to the trial how much they expected to benefit from participation,
this theory cannot be causally proved.
In the absence of this neat explanation, alternative theories have sprung
up from around the field. Perhaps ketamine’s inherent effects were blocked
by general anesthetic, goes one idea,
leaving only the expectation-driven
benefit. Heifets says that this “doesn’t
really fit the data.” If some of ketamine’s effect had been dulled, his
patients’ recoveries might have been
impaired in comparison to other trials
of the drug. But the effects seen were
just as strong. Additionally, if general
anesthetic impaired ketamine’s action
more generally, Heifets points out, the
generations of anesthetists who used
it every day probably would have noticed. “It has been studied for decades
in other contexts, and somehow no one
has ever complained about ketamine
no longer being an opioid-sparing analgesic or being good for chronic pain
when it's given under anesthesia.” It is
possible that only the antidepressant
qualities of the drug are blocked by
general anesthetic, says Heifets, but
it “isn’t a parsimonious explanation of
the data.”
Other responses have, in Heifets’s
words, “missed the forest for the
trees.” One argument goes that Heifets’s paper has merely identified that
general anesthetics themselves are
antidepressants. There’s no evidence
of such an effect being previously
recorded with the doses and drugs
Heifets used, but he wasn’t entirely
surprised to hear these arguments.
“Part of it is, I think, the cognitive
bias created by our mental health
system,” he says.
“It’s like there has to be a light switch
somewhere; you give a drug, and you
turn the depression on and off. If it
wasn’t the ketamine, it must have been
the propofol.” The medical model
of mental health puts all the power
in the pill.
What Heifets is most eager to say is
that his data doesn’t suggest ketamine
is ineffective. He points to a recent review authored by his postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Tuuli Hietamies. This looked
at thousands of case reports of people
visiting ketamine clinics and reporting
recovery. What he suggests instead is
that ketamine, like many other medical treatments, works by tapping into
that placebo. Our medical model has
put all the power in the pill, and that
bleeds into patients’ expectations. As
Sanacora sums up, “People hear that
nonspecific effects are so important,
but the corollary of that is, well, the
drug doesn't really work. It's just all
fake. That’s not the case. It's just that a
large part of this effect is nonspecific,
but you don't get any of it if you don't
actually take the drug.”
That mindset has now extended
into psychedelic science as well.
A commentary paper was recently
coauthored by some of the leadership
team at Compass Pathways. This
drug developer is leading a Phase 3
clinical trial of psilocybin-derived
The medical
model of
mental health
puts all the
power in
the pill.
Envato Elements, iStock
drug COMP360. The paper proposes
that psychedelic drugs should be
evaluated alone, without the trappings
of psychotherapy. To Ramaekers,
this argument is driven by a need to
comply with the United States Food
and Drug Administration (FDA)
regulations: “They're changing their
perspective because the FDA may
make them change their perspective.
The FDA is trained to develop drugs.
They're not trained to understand how
psychotherapy works. They have no
means of evaluating psychotherapy.”
Heifets predicts that this approach
will reduce the placebo effect, and
with it, dull these drugs’ efficacies,
risking a mighty drop-off in performance post-trial. That’s an effect seen
across psychiatric drugs and is not
unique to psychedelics. But given how
central the powerful placebo has been
to psychedelic clinical trials up until
now, what remains might not be the
revolution in mental health foreseen
by so many.
“As soon as you strip away everything
else, all of the human attachment
and support and the validation and
the being seen, and all that stuff that
we intuitively know is important but
is very difficult to get intellectual
property on and to sell and to reimburse, what you'll be left with is very
transactional,” says Heifets. “Go to a
clinic, take your trip, then leave and do
the [therapy] app. The field is at a
crossroads will it embrace placebo,
using different trial designs and
formal definitions of set and setting
or remove these factors altogether.”
Regardless of the route that the
field decides to take, it will have to
acknowledge the power of placebo.
“I wish I could be more hopeful about
decriminalization and commercialization of psychedelics,” he concludes.
“I don't think they're going to reimburse the right things.” ⚫
Novel psychoactive substances (NPS) are compounds that are
designed to mimic the effects of established illicit drugs. Many NPS
emerged during the early- to mid-2000s and the number of new
substances being reported continues to rise. Their use and misuse
have swiftly increased, posing a significant risk to public health.
Potential side effects include agitation, aggression, paranoia,
psychosis and seizures, as well as possible NPS dependence.
In this infographic, we will explore various NPS,
highlight ways to analyze them and consider
challenges associated with their detection.
Download to learn more
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mall molecule drug discovery
is plagued by high attrition
rates along the development
pathway. Many promising drug
candidates identified during initial
screening programs are discarded at
a later stage and in many cases, these
failures can be traced back to the
quality of the initial chemical leads.
Employing alternative approaches,
such as fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD), could help to increase
the chances of success as well as open
new opportunities to tackle previously intractable biological targets.
“You use very small compounds that
are promiscuous, which allows you
to find some chemical starting points
from which you can then go on and
assemble properly potent molecules,”
says Frank von Delft, professor of
structural chemical biology at the
University of Oxford.
FBDD typically employs very sensitive biophysical methods to rapidly
screen a small library of low molecular weight fragments to identify initial
“hits” that bind – albeit weakly – to
a target protein. As these chemical
starting points are small and typically
soluble, they are more likely to have
Fragment-Based Drug Discovery
Enters the Mainstream
better drug-like properties, improving
the likelihood of eventually producing
a viable drug.
“Because the fragments are so small,
there are so many ways you could
then build them up to a full-sized drug
molecule, so screening a library of a
few thousand compounds is representative of a vast amount of chemical
space,” explains Andy Merritt, associate director of chemistry at LifeArc,
a UK-based medical research charity
that supports translational research.
In 2011, the targeted cancer treatment vemurafenib was the first fragment-derived drug to be approved by
the US Federal Drug Administration
(FDA). Since then, dozens more drug
candidates derived from fragments
have entered the clinic – with further
approvals and many currently in latestage trials.
The process of drug discovery usually
kicks off with the identification of a
biologically important target, such
as a protein that plays a critical role
in disease. Medicinal chemists will
then begin the hunt for a compound
that can bind to the target and modify
its activity.
Traditionally, the search will often
start with high-throughput screening
(HTS), which involves testing libraries
containing hundreds of thousands – or
even millions – of drug-sized chemical
compounds (< 500 Daltons [Da]) to
narrow down a list of “hits" with promising activity against the target. These
initial candidates can then be further
refined through subsequent rounds
of development to improve potency
and refine their “drug-like” properties
– such as non-toxicity, solubility and
stability – which are also essential for
clinical success.
“These screens take a lot of effort and
are expensive, and while they can test
a lot of compounds, it’s a relatively
small number compared to the vastness of the potential chemical space,”
says Merritt.
An early estimate put the number of
possible small drug-like molecules
at 1063, making even the largest compound libraries look tiny in comparison.
And so, finding the rare ones that are a
good fit for the target will extrapolate
to exploring a staggeringly wide range
of molecules – especially due to the
probable high number of “near misses”.
“Intuitively, you might think by having
more complicated and bigger molecules will improve the odds of finding
a good candidate in your initial screening experiment,” says Merritt. “But if
just one of those interactions is wrong,
it won’t bind to the target at all.”
Rather than physically screening
increasingly high numbers of drugsized compounds, FBDD instead
begins by testing much smaller
collections containing just hundreds
or thousands of fragments. While
individual fragments are too small (<
300 Da) to have strong interactions
with the target, they are still capable
of binding into lots of tiny crevices in
its structure.
“Due to their small size, these fragments have much less decoration than
drug-sized molecules,” describes Merritt. “So you’re much less likely to hit
detrimental interactions – increasing
your chances of finding something
that binds to the target.”
Since each fragment has so few interactions with the target protein, the
binding affinities are typically in the
high micromolar to the millimolar
region – which is much lower than for
larger molecules.
“A big disadvantage is you have to
start from very low potency, which
can be very disconcerting for your
typical medicinal chemist,” says von
Delft. “As the signal of binding is weak,
fragment-based screening requires
sensitive and robust assays so you can
differentiate appropriate fragments
from false positives.”
Biophysical methods – including
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
spectroscopy, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and X-ray crystallography – are the most commonly used
techniques for FBDD. Of these, X-ray
crystallography offers the advantage
that the 3D structures show exactly
how each fragment binds.
“You can see the position of the atoms,”
explains von Delft. “That’s enormously powerful because it cuts out a lot of
the guesswork.”
Medicinal chemists can then take
clues from these structural data, which
will help them to piece together larger,
more potent drug-like molecules for
onward development.
While the throughput of FBDD is
generally lower than other screening
methods, the introduction of automation in crystal handling and data
analysis has improved this issue.
At the Diamond Light Source, the
UK national synchrotron, the XChem
facility has streamlined the process of
fragment-based screening using X-ray
Fragment-based drug discovery could
help to increase the chances of success as
well as open new opportunities to tackle
previously intractable biological targets.
crystallography, enabling academic
and industrial researchers to screen
up to 1,000 compounds in less
than a week.
“We’ve made it possible to run the
X-ray crystallography many hundreds of times in 24 hours without
interference,” enthuses von Delft.
“So users can come and perform
this gold-standard experiment, and
by the end of it, they will have
some strong data to take away and
build on.”
A powerful example of how fragment-based screening can help
accelerate drug discovery comes
from the COVID Moonshot, a
spontaneous global collaboration
that came together in early 2020
to urgently design an effective new
antiviral treatment. The search was
kicked off with an XChem experiment of over 1,250 unique fragments to probe a key protein of the
SARS-CoV-2 virus, identifying 74
initial hits.
“It was quite mind-blowing at the time
– we were all taken aback by it,”reflects
von Delft. “We had very interesting
data, and we decided to put it out to
the world to ask medicinal chemists
for ideas of how to take these fragments forward.”
This crowdsourcing effort had attracted more than 4,000 suggestions for
improved, more potent compounds
within two weeks – and all contributions were submitted with no intellectual property attached.
“We found a company in Ukraine who
committed to synthesizing some of
the most promising compounds at
cost,” says von Delft. “If everything
goes well, we’re expecting to have
drugs that are ready for Phase I clinical testing by early next year.”
After decades of development, fragment-based screening is now becoming one of the mainstream
approaches in small molecule
drug discovery. Due to its lower initial costs, it has opened
the possibility of lead discovery to smaller companies and academic researchers.
“In the past, it was very difficult
to get traction as people didn’t
start drug programs based on
millimolar binding affinities,” says
Merritt. “But we now have the
right tools as well as computational
and structural support to drive
these projects forward.”
Because of its higher hit rates, it
has also opened new opportunities for drug discoverers to crack
more challenging targets such as
protein–protein interactions.
“It’s become part of the arsenal
now,” concludes Merritt. “It’s a technique that everybody will use at
the early stages of small molecule
drug discovery.” ⚫
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ISSUE 04, JULY 2021
cy in
Mountains and
Making the World
a Better Place
Regulating Heavy
Metals in Baby Food
The Alpha and Omega
of COVID-19: Yes,
the Pandemic Will
End (but Not Soon)
and the
Road to
Net Zero
Uncovering Key
Between CancerDriving Proteins
Disparities in
Healthcare and
Clinical Research
Closing the
Vaccine Gap
ISSUE 03, JUNE 2021
s a
HaulerISSUE 01, APRIL 2021
The Physicality
ofConsciousnessISSUE 07, OCTOBER 2021
Return From
The Neuroscience
of Creativity
Hidden Secrets of the
Human Microbiome
COVID-19: Vaccine
What the World’s
First Pig to Human
Heart Transplant
Could Mean for the
Future of Transplants
Unpicking the
Complexities of the
Cancer Microbiome
A New Approach to
Treating Superbugs
Influenza and
the Holy Grail
Lost Women
of Science
Why the Meat
Paradox Causes
Cognitive Dissonance
for Millions of People
The Omicron Variant
Highlights the Need
for Smarter, FutureProof Vaccine Design
The Pursuit
Sustainable and
Open Science
ISSUE 02, MAY 2021
Biodegradation of
Synthetic Plastic in
the Marine Habitat
A Step Closer to
Insulin for Diabetes
ThreePsychologyHistory, Mystery
and DNA Analysis
Mental Health and
Mental Illness in
Higher Education
Tapping the Ancient
Power of Microalgae
Turning On the
Vaccine Tap
Great and
Pio cae publicae, ad rem deffre, cre
meripie ntimus se nossoltum inclutum
esulabe mnihil te nos vatudes, unter
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