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Drug Targets – Products

Engaging in research is like participating in a high-stakes poker match.

Don't Gamble With Your Research: The Winning Hand of Label-Free Protein Characterization

Engaging in research is like participating in a high-stakes poker match. The potential reward? The discovery of the next blockbuster drug. The gamble? Risking billions on a molecule that doesn't pay off. In this game, the winning hand lies in the tools that can identify the most promising leads.
Determine Kinetics Earlier in the Drug Discovery Process
App Note / Case Study

Determine Kinetics Earlier in the Drug Discovery Process

This app note highlights how reliable kinetics and affinity for high-affinity interactions can be obtained from significantly less data than is commonly used.
Bio-Rad Anti-dupilumab Antibodies.
Product News

Bio-Rad Extends Range of Anti-Idiotypic Antibodies for Use in Preclinical and Clinical Drug Development

Range of highly selective anti-idiotypic antibodies now includes six antibodies specific to dupilumab and its biosimilars for bioanalysis and Drug Monitoring.
Sygnature Discovery logo.
Product News

Sygnature Discovery Launches Its LPS In Vivo Model To Profile Early-Stage Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Sygnature Discovery has established an in vivo LPS model of inflammation which can help understand life-limiting neuroinflammatory conditions like Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and traumatic brain injuries and identify new drug targets.
Assess Small Molecule Kinetics and Affinity in Just One Step - image
App Note / Case Study

Assess Small Molecule Kinetics and Affinity in Just One Step

This application note demonstrates how reliable kinetics and affinity can be obtained from single measurement data, increasing sample throughput and saving sample material.
Successful BLI

Good Data. Rich Insights. More Discoveries.

Label-free biosensor technologies have emerged as a promising approach to identify high-value hits with a strong likelihood of success as a therapeutic. Unlike traditional approaches of drug discovery, they are fast, sensitive, and come with improved success rates towards high-value drug candidates.
Successful SPR Assays
App Note / Case Study

Determining Real-Time Kinetics and Affinity

This compendium serves as a user-friendly reference for assay design on both bio-layer interferometry (BLI) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) systems.
The Orbit Discovery logo
Product News

Orbit Discovery and Evergreen Discovery Collaborate To Discover Peptides for Targeting Radiopharmaceuticals

Evergreen Discovery and Orbit Discovery Ltd have announced that they have entered into a collaboration to identify specific cell targeting peptides and advance the development of novel radiopharmaceuticals.
The Cardiff Oncology logo.
Product News

Cardiff Oncology Announces First Patient Dosed in ONSEMBLE Phase II Randomized Trial

Cardiff Oncology, Inc. has announced that the first patient was dosed last month with its investigational drug onvansertib in its Phase II ONSEMBLE trial.
The Carterra logo
Product News

Carterra Launches the LSAXT High-Throughput SPR Biosensor at SLAS2023

Carterra Inc. launched its latest HT-SPR instrument, the LSAXT, at the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) Conference and Exhibition in San Diego, CA.