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Spatial Biology – News and Features

Double helix structure of DNA.

“DNA Loops” in Pediatric Brain Tumors Double Relapse Risk

A study of newly created databases of medulloblastoma has found that patients with tumors containing circular extrachromosomal DNA are twice as likely to relapse and three times as likely to die within five years of diagnosis.
A cynomolgus monkey.

World’s First Chimeric Monkey Born Using Embryonic Stem Cells

Chinese scientists report the first birth of a live chimeric monkey whose cells largely derive from a line of monkey stem cells. Their findings are published in Cell.
A strand of silvery-gray colored DNA.

Gene That Drives Prostate Cancer Growth Identified

The genetic "ringleader" behind a molecular domino effect driving prostate cancer growth and metastasis has been identified in new research.
Starfish under fluorescent imaging.

Star Fish May Be All Head No Body

For centuries, naturalists have puzzled over what might constitute the head of a sea star, commonly called a “starfish.” Researchers have published a study finding that the truth is closer to the absolute reverse.
Floating cancer cells.

Four New AML Studies Funded by Leukaemia UK

Leukaemia UK recently announced that it will channel £600,000 into four new AML research projects. Technology Networks spoke to Kate Nash, research communications manager at Leukaemia UK, to learn more about the innovative research projects aiming to improve the treatment of AML.
Human cerebral organoids under a microscope.

Researchers Use Light To Regulate Gene Expression in Organoids

Organoids help researchers understand biological processes in health and in disease. It is, however, difficult to influence the way in which they organize themselves into complex tissues. Now a group has found a new way to do so.
A body of water.

How an Unexpected Discovery in a University Pond Changed the DNA Rulebook

A recent discovery, published in PLoS Genetics, challenges the “rulebook” of DNA. We speak with the first author, Dr. Jamie McGowan, to learn about the accidental finding and what it means for synthetic biology.
Cancer immunotherapy. A white cancer cell is attacked by two small red T cells.

Improved mRNA Therapy Enhances Glioblastoma Response to Immunotherapy

Researchers have loaded extracellular vesicles with therapeutic mRNA, and shown how they can be used to enhance immunotherapy responses in glioblastoma.
The D100 digital dispense by HP.
Industry Insight

Accelerating Single-Cell Research with Powerful Dispensing

Join us for an interview with HP's Christie Dudenhoefer, manager of Life Science Solutions, and Dr. Ryan Kelly, professor in the Department of Chemistry at Brigham Young University, to learn how HP's D100 single-cell dispenser is being utilized.
Gold-colored fat droplets.

Obesity Causes Inflammatory Responses in Fat Tissue

To understand the link between fat accumulation and poor health outcomes for obese individuals, researchers are exploring how adipose tissue is structured and the mechanisms behind the inflammatory response.