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Electrophysiology – Multimedia

Tackling Cardiotoxicity During Drug Development content piece image

Tackling Cardiotoxicity During Drug Development

Did you know that the adverse effect of drugs on cardiac tissue – known as cardiotoxicity – is one of the principal reasons that therapeutics are withdrawn from the market?
Cardioids Reveal Self-Organizing Principles of Human Cardiogenesis content piece image

Cardioids Reveal Self-Organizing Principles of Human Cardiogenesis

Speaking at Innovations in Disease Modeling, Sasha Mendjan, Group Leader at Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, presented his talk on aims to recapitulate human heart development in vitro, discover the molecular mechanisms driving cardiac self-organization, and how this fails in congenital heart disease..
High-Performance Automated Patch Clamp in Drug Discovery content piece image

High-Performance Automated Patch Clamp in Drug Discovery

Download this listicle to learn more about the benefits of automated patch clamp in drug discovery.
How To Study the Degenerating Brain content piece image

How To Study the Degenerating Brain

Download this listicle to discover more about some of the main techniques deployed to study the degenerating brain.
5 Key RNA Sequencing Techniques in Neuroscience content piece image

5 Key RNA Sequencing Techniques in Neuroscience

In this list, discover more about the key RNA-seq techniques used in neuroscience, including the direction and contributions of single-cell RNA sequencing, patch-seq and fluorescence in situ sequencing.
4 Ways That the Cloud is Changing Research content piece image

4 Ways That the Cloud is Changing Research

Cloud-based informatics solutions have become an integral part of research. The cloud is everywhere these days, and every new informatics tool seems to have some cloud feature or function. But what does this actually mean for researchers? With this handy list, you’ll find that the answer is “quite a lot”, as we explore four key ways in which the cloud has changed research.
Patch Clamp Made Easy content piece image
How To Guide

Patch Clamp Made Easy

Download this guide for a more in-depth understanding of ion channels, and how patch-clamp techniques are used in their analysis.
5 Theories About the Dreaming Brain content piece image

5 Theories About the Dreaming Brain

For World Sleep Day, NNR investigates what goes on in the brain during dreams. We uncover fascinating ideas about rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep, the dreams of people born blind, and ask why some dreams are so strange.

From Twitching Frogs to Brain Implants: 5 Key Technologies in Electrophysiology content piece image

From Twitching Frogs to Brain Implants: 5 Key Technologies in Electrophysiology

In recent decades, functional investigation of neuronal physiology has become the gold standard for decoding how the brain works. This list will look at the main differences between electrophysiological approaches, the most recent innovations in the field and opportunities that recent technological advances have given us.
Neuroscience Research and Technologies content piece image

Neuroscience Research and Technologies

As a field, neuroscience is far younger than many other biological disciplines and our understanding of the brain is still limited. But research of jaw-dropping ingenuity and technologies of incredible complexity have brought us closer to understanding how the brain works, why it fails, and how to fix it. This eBook includes nine dispatches from the frontiers of neuroscience.