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Cryopreservation – Multimedia

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New and Comprehensive Protein Dataset Elevates Health Research

The largest body of work analyzing the effects of common gene variations on blood proteins, and how these may contribute to disease, to date has been published in Nature.
Illustration of a person being cryogenically frozen.

Can You Freeze Your Body and Come Back to Life?

Is it possible to freeze a human, preserve them indefinitely and then thaw them out? Shannon N. Tessier explores the challenges of human cryopreservation.
Cell Culture Resource Guide content piece image

Cell Culture Resource Guide

Maintaining healthy cell cultures is vital to obtaining reliable, high-quality data. However, a lot can go wrong when you are manipulating living cells.
Sample Quality Control for Nucleic Acid Analysis Workflows content piece image
How To Guide

Sample Quality Control for Nucleic Acid Analysis Workflows

Understanding the integrity and quantity of your nucleic acid samples is critical for next-generation sequencing (NGS) and biobanking workflows.
Ice, Ice, Baby – An Intro to Cryopreservation content piece image

Ice, Ice, Baby – An Intro to Cryopreservation

What is cryopreservation? What techniques are there and how do we do it? Dr. Jarrod McKenna, explains all in this week's episode of Teach Me in 10.
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Optimizing Your Cryopreservation

This infographic highlights steps you can take to protect your samples and improve your cryopreservation workflow.
Pressing the Pause Button: How To Cryopreserve Cells Successfully content piece image
How To Guide

Pressing the Pause Button: How To Cryopreserve Cells Successfully

Download this guide for tips and tricks to successfully cryopreserve precious samples and maximize viability upon sample reanimation.
How To Optimize Your Cryopreservation content piece image
How To Guide

How To Optimize Your Cryopreservation

With the increased applications of human-derived primary cells for therapeutic purposes, the importance of good cryopreservation practices is growing. Download this guide to discover key tips and tricks for improving your cryopreservation workflow.
The Big Freeze: Cryopreservation Benefits, Challenges and Troubleshooting content piece image

The Big Freeze: Cryopreservation Benefits, Challenges and Troubleshooting

Download this infographic to discover more about cryopreservation, including its benefits, but also challenges and how to overcome them.
Cryopreservation Guide – The Basics of Cellular Cryopreservation for Research and Clinical Use content piece image
How To Guide

Cryopreservation Guide – The Basics of Cellular Cryopreservation for Research and Clinical Use

Download this guide to the basics of cellular cryopreservation for research and clinical use, exploring essential concepts such as the key protocols, advantages and challenges and safety tips.