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Image of Ken Strandberg

Ken Strandberg

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Ken Strandberg is a technical storyteller. He writes articles, whitepapers, seminars, web-based training, video and animation scripts, and technical marketing and interactive collateral for emerging technology companies, Fortune 100 enterprises and multi-national corporations. Mr. Strandberg’s technology areas include Software, HPC, Industrial Technologies, Design Automation, Networking, Medical Technologies, Semiconductor and Telecom.

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TRON’s CoVigator Offers an Unseen Perspective of SARS-CoV-2

In this article, we explore how the Corona Virus Navigator (CoVigator) NGS pipeline is being used to identify non-synonymous mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
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Building Terra, the Broad Institute’s Platform for a Collaborative, Scalable Genomics Research Ecosystem for All

This article explores the development of Terra, a new platform built in the cloud to enable a scalable, collaborative genomics research ecosystem designed for a variety of life sciences researchers.
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How South Africa CHPC Responded to Unprecedented Computing Needs To Address the COVID-19 Pandemic

When South Africa went into lockdown on March 26, 2020, due to COVID-19, the country’s computing needs vastly outgrew the resources provided by Lengau and the OpenStack Production Cloud. In this article, we explore how the South Africa Center for High Performance Computing responded.
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Project Uses Cloud Computing and AI To Address Unsafe Street Drugs

Scientists have used supercomputers to discover new frontiers in science and to invent new technologies to improve the human condition. Now, researchers are using supercomputing resources to address one of society’s biggest challenges – the risks of an unregulated drug market.
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Understanding the Weather That Keeps NASA Flying High

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is widely known for its space exploration activities. But NASA also has a deep interest in looking towards our own planet. In this article, we explore how NASA's weather monitoring systems use powerful supercomputers to understand our planet's climate.