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DeNovix Becomes Sponsor at Tufts Launchpad BioLabs

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DeNovix Inc. is the newest sponsor at Tufts Launchpad | BioLabs with the placement of two key pieces of laboratory instrumentation. DeNovix has provided a CellDrop™ FL Automated Cell Counter and a DS-11 FX+ Spectrophotometer / Fluorometer for use by the facility’s resident companies.

Tufts Launchpad | BioLabs is a fully equipped, co-working and shared lab space that provides startups with the infrastructure and equipment needed to build their biotechnology companies.  Tufts Launchpad | BioLabs is designed to be Boston’s premier co-working facility for life science startups.  Launched in 2018, the facility currently is home to 24 companies.

Dr Christine Kressirer, Site Director of Tufts Launchpad | BioLabs and an employee of BioLabs, stated “Support from industry-leading sponsors like DeNovix helps our resident companies to have access to state-of-the-art equipment to allow them to generate meaningful data essential to their research programs. DeNovix provides practical and robust equipment designed to minimize the use of consumables without compromising results.”

“Less than a decade ago, DeNovix was a start-up company with a handful of people and some great ideas. Tufts Launchpad | BioLabs is a thriving innovation center and we want to help their resident companies by placing state-of-the art DeNovix equipment at their fingertips. Both CellDrop and the DS-11 Series are used in a number of life science workflows, so we know both instruments will be involved in helping start-ups convert their ideas into successful companies,” stated DeNovix Business Director Kevin Kelley.

CellDrop Automated Cell Counters are designed to eliminate the requirement for consumable plastic slides. The instrument incorporates DeNovix patented DirectPipette™ Technology providing a simple Load, Measure & Wipe Clean workflow to cell counting. CellDrop FL is a dual fluorescence and brightfield model and includes pre-installed software for cell counting, viability and transfection efficiency assays.

The DS-11 FX+ Spectrophotometer / Fluorometer is used for DNA, RNA, protein and other biomolecule quantification. The instrument requires only 1 microliter of sample for sample quantification via UV-Vis spectroscopy. The instrument also includes an integrated fluorometer which allows for sensitive and specific quantification of biomolecules via fluorescence quantification assays.

All DeNovix instruments include a high-definition touchscreen interface. Wi-Fi, USB, and Ethernet connectivity allow users to easily export data via email, network printers or USB drive.