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All SySTEMs go for Groundbreaking Cell Research

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With all the hype surrounding the impending arrival of the first ‘stem cell burger’, stem cell research is once again hitting the headlines, but the focus of the public’s reaction has been more of curiosity than scepticism. Behind the scenes of media hype, the research to improve and save lives goes on; here are two related articles that caught my eye.

University research programs continue to provide the scientific world with golden nuggets, and the pioneering stem cell research reviewed in the following news reports are classic examples.

Let’s start in Nottingham, UK, where Professor Kevin Shakesheff and has team at The University of Birmingham have created a ‘soft polymer bowl’ capable of mimicking the mammalian uterus. The starting cellular ball comprises 64 cells: stem cells to form the body and extra-embryonic cells to form the form the placenta. Although a way off, this has very exciting implications for the long term future of IVF therapies.

Over in Michigan, USA, The University of Michigan has had its first human embryonic stem cell line, meaning the cells can now be used in federally funded research. After years of planning and hard work, Gary Smith Ph. D, who derived the cell line, believes these cells will soon be available to scientists worldwide, and that the significance of using these ‘modern medical miracles’ in up there with the advancements previously made with antibiotics.

These news stories can be viewed at the links below:



Louise Conlin, Editor, Technology Networks