Owing to continuous innovations in mass spectrometry (MS), it has become one of the most valuable analytical tools used in life science research.
Data-independent acquisition (DIA) is a next-generation proteomic approach that can be coupled with MS to generate a permanent digital proteome map with highly reproducible retrospective analysis of cellular and tissue specimens.
This application focus presents the exciting technology behind advances in DIA and discusses how it can be used to enhance research.
Download this application focus to discover how SWATH DIA can help you:
- Reach greater depths of coverage in less time
- Increase duty cycle by more than 90%
- Analyze all ionizable precursors with higher precision than ever before
Accelerating Discovery Using SWATH DIA Mass Spectrometry 1
Mass spectrometry (MS) enables the precise detection and quantitation
of compounds, often involving fragmentation of ions to infer details
about parent molecules with great specificity. Thanks to continuous
innovations, MS has become one of the most valuable analytical
tools and has multiple applications in life science research. In this
article, Katherine Tran, senior manager for global strategic marketing
in proteomics science research at SCIEX, presents the latest MS
technology and discusses how it can be used to enhance research.
Data acquisition methods
Shotgun, or bottom-up, MS is a key method used in life science studies. It
allows researchers to make a global interpretation of a biological system by
comprehensively analyzing all its compounds and its environment. There
are two main approaches to generate tandem mass spectra: data dependent
acquisition (DDA) – which is also known as information dependent acquisition
(IDA) – and SWATH data independent acquisition (DIA).
DDA is a well-established method used for many applications; it provides
untargeted sample analysis by selecting and fragmenting multiple charge ions
from a full scan mass spectrum to generate tandem MS/MS mass spectra. While
DDA ensures selectivity, it creates problems in large-scale sample series and fast
proteomic measurements as the analysis only measures a select number of the
ion parents present and consequently means values for some species will be
missing. A small shift in retention time from run to run can affect the population
of precursor ions entering the instrument during each cycle therefore, the subset
of compounds that are analyzed, leading to inter-experimental variations.
Although the ability to ionize and detect has significantly improved, the matrices
remain just as complex, and the instrument does not have time to sample all
the potential precursors entering the system. To counter this, a target list of
precursors can be used; however, this negates the benefit of a truly unbiased
and global approach. Additionally, when comparing multiple DDA datasets,
missing peaks and gaps are often observed, which can be particularly impactful
for lower-level analytes and low replicate numbers.
The data independent strategy (SWATH DIA) – first published in 2012 – analyzes
all ionizable precursors in a specified mass range by MS/MS regardless of the
abundance or other criteria. This method generates a complete data set that
Accelerating Discovery Using
SWATH DIA Mass Spectrometry
Accelerating Discovery Using SWATH DIA Mass Spectrometry 2
Accelerating Discovery Using SWATH DIA Mass Spectrometry
contains fragment data for all precursor ions, resulting in
greater reproducibility. Additionally, wider precursor selection
windows are used, allowing simultaneous transmission of
multiple precursors stepped across the entire precursor mass
range, ensuring that all precursor masses are fragmented
for every cycle. MS/MS spectra generated by SWATH DIA are
typically more complex compared with those generated by
DDA. To increase specificity, SWATH DIA can be performed
with smaller, variable-sized windows to minimize the number
of precursors within each window. Fast MS/MS scanning then
allows iteration through all windows within each cycle while
still covering a broad mass range. The use of variable window
widths further increases selectivity of SWATH DIA, as the width
of each precursor is adjusted according to the data complexity
scanned within that mass range. Very narrow windows are
used where analyte density is the greatest and wider windows
are used where analytes are more sparsely populated. This
increases the percentage of high-quality precursors that are
identified and quantified.
The Zeno revolution
High sensitivity is also an important feature for mass
spectrometers used in life science research. The ZenoTOF
7600 system is the latest high-resolution accurate MS
system, offering significant sensitivity gains, giving richer,
more comprehensive and reliable MS/MS data sets. The
ZenoTOF 7600 system is a quadrupole time-of-flight mass
spectrometer (Q-TOF) with the following unique features
(Figure 1):
1. A “Zeno trap”, which increases duty cycle and
consequently MS/MS sensitivity, allowing users to
gain more information from every experiment – even
when dealing with low abundance species. This can be
coupled with either collision-induced dissociation (CID)
or electron activated dissociation (EAD) fragmentations.
2. A new Q0 design that improves ion transmission and
3. An EAD cell that releases electrons which fragment analytes
over a desired range of energies before they are sent to the
detector. The EAD cell is highly tunable, offering alternative
loads of fragmentation, increased sensitivity and coverage
of data for all kinds of molecules.
4. A fast and sensitive detector with a wide dynamic range.
This new detector offers speeds of up to 133 Hz with five
orders of linear dynamic range without compromising
speed or resolution. It is also cartridge based; therefore,
it can be easily replaced if needed.
Increasing the duty cycle using the Zeno trap
Duty cycle refers to the percentage of ions that are pulsed
into the TOF region. As ions are pushed into the TOF
accelerator, a proportion of ions are lost and only 5–25% of
the total ions hit the TOF detector with most quadrupoleTOF systems (Figure 2 A). In contrast, the ZenoTOF 7600
system controls the ion beam as it travels from the collision
cell into the TOF accelerator. Ions exit the Zeno trap in an
ordered release based on potential energy (from higher
Figure 1: The ZenoTOF 7600 system.
Accelerating Discovery Using SWATH DIA Mass Spectrometry 3
Accelerating Discovery Using SWATH DIA Mass Spectrometry
m/z species to lower m/z species), so that they all arrive
at the TOF accelerator at the same time and location. The
ion pocket is then pushed through the top accelerator,
increasing the duty cycle to more than 95% (Figure 2 B).
Advantages of the Zeno SWATH DIA workflow
The Zeno SWATH DIA workflow combines the
reproducibility and precision of the SWATH DIA
acquisition method with the gains in sensitivity offered
by the Zeno trap to deliver maximal information from
each sample. Figure 3 shows that combining nanoflow
chromatography data with Zeno SWATH DIA significantly
improves the signal intensity compared to the standard
SWATH DIA workflow.
The Zeno SWATH DIA workflow can also be used to perform
fast and sensitive large-scale proteomic studies using higher
flow rates and at low sample loading. For example, using
A. Typical Q-TOF instrument B. ZenoTOF 7600 system
Figure 2. Comparison of duty cycle in a typical Q-TOF instrument (A) and the ZenoTOF 7600 system (B).
Duty cycle 5–25% Duty cycle >95%
Accelerating Discovery Using SWATH DIA Mass Spectrometry 4
Accelerating Discovery Using SWATH DIA Mass Spectrometry
the regular SWATH DIA workflow on a 5 ng load of K562 cell
lysate, it is possible to identify ~2,400 protein groups at a 1%
false discovery rate (FDR) – almost 1,300 of those proteins
are quantifiable when filtered at less than a 20% coefficient
of variation (CV) (Figure 4). However, using the Zeno SWATH
DIA workflow, it is possible to identify over 4,200 protein
groups (over 2,700 of which are quantifiable when filtered at
less than a 20% CV). This represents an increase of 75% for
the total protein groups identified and a 108% increase for
those that are quantifiable at 20% CV (Figure 4).
It is also possible to achieve the same level of sensitivity of
nanoflow experiments using the Zeno SWATH DIA workflow for
high flow LC-MS/MS experiments – even though they typically
require higher sample loading. For example, by running 5
µl/min with a 20-minute gradient, it is possible to identify
about 1,400 protein groups. When the same experiment is
repeated using a 5-minute gradient, it is possible to identify
Figure 3: Summed signal of cell lysate data run with nanoflow chromatography (left panel: 25 ng, right panel, 200 ng). Dark
green curves: data obtained using SWATH DIA. Light green curves: data obtained using Zeno SWATH DIA.
Figure 4: Comparison of proteomic analysis of a K562 cell lysate using the SWATH DIA (5 ng load) or the Zeno SWATH DIA (5–200
ng) workflows.
Accelerating Discovery Using SWATH DIA Mass Spectrometry 5
Accelerating Discovery Using SWATH DIA Mass Spectrometry
around 80% of the protein groups found using the 20-minute
gradient, even when data is filtered at less than a 20% CV
(Figure 5).
Zeno SWATH DIA harnesses the precision of the SWATH
DIA acquisition method and the sensitivity of the Zeno trap
technology to provide the greatest depth of coverage and
amount of information in the shortest amount of time.
Watch the complete “Teach Me in 10” interview with
Katherine Tran here
Learn more about the ZenoTOF 7600 system
Learn more about SWATH DIA
Figure 5: Protein groups identified using the Zeno SWATH DIA workflow in a high flow LC-/MS/MS experiment at 20-minute or
5-minute gradients (left and right panels, respectively).