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Latest App Notes & Case Studies

App Note / Case Study

Miniaturisation of Gas Chromatography Equipment

Gas Chromatography (GC) is a highly sensitive chemical analysis technique with a broad range of applications. Existing commercial GC systems are generally quite bulky and fragile. Microfluidics enables miniaturisation of the gas chromatography column and low power methods for column heating.
App Note / Case Study

Mitos P-Pump Droplet Monodispersity

The formation of droplets of oil-in-water or water-in-oil has a range of uses in science and industry. Monodispersity, or size consistency, is the key to making droplet microfluidics a powerful tool for conducting accurate and repeatable experiments.
App Note / Case Study

Cellular Dopamine and Intracellular Calcium Signaling Using the Next Generation HTS Microplate Reader

Two cell-based signaling assays from Invitrogen, Fluo-4 Direct™ Calcium Assay and Tango™-bla U2OS GPCR Assay, were performed on the PHERAstar FS HTS instrument. The PHERAstar FS has several unique features that enhance the performance of these assays including direct optic bottom reading, high resolution cell layer scanning, injection at the point of measurement and dual emission detection.
App Note / Case Study

Automated Turnkey Solubility and Permeability Assays

Millipore Corporation and Molecular Devices have partnered to provide platforms for solubility and permeability screening. The objective is to create automation-compatible 96- and 384-based systems with pre-validated methods, devices and analysis that can be run manually or in conjunction with standard laboratory automation.
App Note / Case Study

Integrated Solutions for High-Throughput Bioprocessing Applications

Advances in blood banking, industrial biotechnology, bio-production and pharmaceutical laboratories have driven the need to process multiple sample batches.
App Note / Case Study

Simulated Distillation Analysis of Kerosene and Diesel by ASTM D2887

Simulated Distillation (SimDis) is a Gas Chromatographic technique for determining the boiling point distribution of petroleum products by Flame Ionization Detection. This information assists refinery engineers in determining the most efficient process for the distillation of crude oil and allows for active monitoring of the refining process.
App Note / Case Study

Rapid Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Seafood

The recent Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico created concerns over the safety of seafood that can get potentially contaminated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from crude oil. The US Environmental Protection Agency identifies PAHs as critical pollutants harmful to human health. Some of these compounds are known carcinogens.
App Note / Case Study

SDMS Vision Publisher Facilitating Masslynx and Empower Software Data Capture

As the volume and complexity of research data continues to grow, the use of an electronic format for laboratory record keeping is the key to simple recording and global communication of critical scientific information.
App Note / Case Study

Flexible Lab and Data Management for the Applied Biosystems SOLiD(TM) Next Generation Sequencing System

The Applied Biosystems SOLiDTM system is revolutionizing genetic analysis. Its massively parallel sequencing of clonallyamplified DNA fragments provides accurate, high-throughput results for growing applications in transcriptomics, epigenomics, and whole genome and targeted resequencing, all in one platform.
App Note / Case Study

Promega’s ADP-Glo™ Kinase Assay performed on BMG LABTECH’s PHERAstar FS and POLARstar Omega

The PHERAstar FS as well as the POLARstar Omega offer the ability to perform the ADP-Glo™ assay from Promega in a 384-well format. The ADP-Glo™ Kinase Assay is a homogenous luminescent assay to detect ADP in concentrations ranging from 1 mM to 0.01 µM. Instrument settings and standard ATP/ADP curves over a wide concentration range are presented for both the PHERAstar FS and the POLARstar Omega.