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Developing Predictive Hepatocyte Models from Pluripotent Stem Cells

This presentation will focus on the delivery of hepatocytes from pluripotent stem cells.
Cardiac iPSCs for Drug Discovery content piece image

Cardiac iPSCs for Drug Discovery


Cardiac iPSCs for Drug Discovery

Joseph Wu, Director, Stanford Cardiovascular Institute, speaking at Stem Cells in Drug Discovery.
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DeNovix DS-11 FX Spectrophotometer / Fluorometer Series: 1uL UV-Vis + Fluorescence

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CappBravo Single Channel Pipette

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Contract Assay Services at STEMCELL Technologies Inc.


Selection of Label-free Cellular Imaging Applications for their Integration in the Screening Strategy

Gerardo Turcatti, Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne, speaking at Screening Europe 2015.

A Novel Vertically-Integrated Platform for the Discovery and Molecular Characterization of Lung Cancer Stem Cells

Raj Batra, University of California Los Angeles, speaking at Diagnostics & Biomarkers 2015.

Detection and Expression Profiling of Tumor Initiating Cells (TIC) Among the Peripherally Circulating Epithelial Tumor Cells from Patients with Breast Cancer

Katharina Pachmann shows that among the peripherally circulating tumor cells a variable fraction is able to express stem cell and adhesion properties and can be grown into tumor spheres, a property ascribed to cells capable of initiating tumors and metastases.

The Isolation and Characterization of Brain Metastasis – Competent Breast Cancer CTCs

Dario Marchetti, Professor/Director, Baylor College of Medicine, speaking at CellTech 2013.