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A 3D model of a human brain with coloured string emitting from the sides.

Cause of Tau Tangles in Alzheimer’s Disease Identified

An experimental drug can reduce the toxic changes in tau proteins known to damage neurons in brains with Alzheimer’s disease, researchers report.
Three in-focus cells with many more out of focus behind them.

Formaldehyde Disrupts Cellular Epigenetics

An international team of researchers has discovered that formaldehyde, a widely spread pollutant and common metabolite in our body, interferes in the epigenetic programming of the cell.
Illustration of the interacting thick and thin filaments in the cardiac sarcomere based on structural cryo electron-tomography data.

Researchers Capture First True 3D Image of Mammalian Heart Muscle Filament

In a remarkable scientific achievement, an international team has successfully obtained the world's first high-resolution 3D image of the thick filament in its natural cellular environment.
Five close-up images of the CRISPR/Cas9 complex, above a microscope image of many CRISPR-Cas9 enzymes.

Images Prove Magnesium Ions Interact With CRISPR Enzyme

High-resolution, time-lapsed images have shown how magnesium ions interact with the CRISPR-Cas9 enzyme while it cuts DNA, illustrating its role in chemical bond breakage and DNA cutting.
A woman applying cream to her hand.

“Super Melanin” Can Heal and Protect the Skin From Sun Damage

Imagine a skin cream that heals damage occurring throughout the day when your skin is exposed to sunlight or environmental toxins. That’s the potential of a synthetic, biomimetic melanin developed by scientists at Northwestern University.
Double helix structure of DNA.

Researchers Identify Metabolite That Tells Cells Whether To Repair DNA

Researchers have figured out how a specific metabolite controls the activity of DNA repair and how sensitive tissues are to cancer treatment.
Soldiers marching.

Gulf War Illness Depletes Vital Energy Production in White Blood Cells

A new study has shown that Gulf War Illness reduces the energy produced by white blood cells, creating a measurable biochemical difference in veterans with the disease.
A coral reef with fish above. Some coral is starting to fade to white due to bleaching.

Lab-Grown Algae Can Help Coral Weather Bleaching

Lab-grown algal symbionts designed to be heat-tolerant could enhance heat resistance in corals, helping them resist and recover faster from bleaching.
A strand of DNA, with network connections in the background.

Genome Assembly Accelerated by Hardware Designed for AI

A hardware accelerator designed for AI has also been shown to speed up the alignment of protein and DNA for genome assembly, making the process 10 times faster than current methods.
A medical professional taking blood from a patient.

New Blood Test Detects Cancer in Early Stage

Most cancers become deadly by keeping a low profile, causing no symptoms until they’re too advanced to treat. Researchers have developed a highly sensitive blood test that can detect a key protein produced by cancer cells.