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Astaxanthin Attenuates Neurotoxicity in a Mouse Model of Parkinson’s disease content piece image

Astaxanthin Attenuates Neurotoxicity in a Mouse Model of Parkinson’s disease

Both oxidative stress and inflammation are involved in the progression of many neurodegenerative diseases, therefore, we examined the potential for AXT to reduced neurotoxicity in a toxic model of PD in mice. Here, we show that administration of algae derived AXT mitigated MPTP induced dopamine cell death.
Discrepancy between TRPA1 Activation by Reversible and Irreversible Electrophiles Suggests Involvement of Cytosolic Cofactors Other Than Polyphosphates content piece image

Discrepancy between TRPA1 Activation by Reversible and Irreversible Electrophiles Suggests Involvement of Cytosolic Cofactors Other Than Polyphosphates

Electrophiles can bind through reversible or irreversible reactions based on the structure of the compound. Here, patch clamp techniques and calcium imaging have been used to characterize human TRPA1 (hTRPA1) channel activity (expressed in HEK293 cells) in the presence of reversible and irreversible electrophiles
Acoustic Startle Response as a Prognostic Tool for Traumatic Brain Injury content piece image

Acoustic Startle Response as a Prognostic Tool for Traumatic Brain Injury

The Acoustic Startle Reflex (ASR) is a brain-stem mediated, tri-synaptic response to acoustic stimuli involving involuntary contraction of major muscle groups. Previous studies have demonstrated that this response is suppressed following the fluid-percussion model of traumatic brain injury (TBI). The possibility exists that the suppression of this response could be exploited for prognostic purposes.
Examining the Role of Arginase1 Overexpression in an Animal Model of Tauopathy content piece image

Examining the Role of Arginase1 Overexpression in an Animal Model of Tauopathy

Because of the possible beneficial role of polyamines, metabolism of arginine by arginase is of interest. Recently, our lab has recently shown that arginase1 overexpression has the ability to reduce phosphorylated tau and neurofibrillary tangles in rTg4510 and PS19 tau transgenic mice. Based on these data, we utilized the transgenic tetO MAPT*P301L mouse model to examine a potential therapeutic gene of interest, arginase1, in an animal model of tauopathy.
Neuroprotection by T-Lymphocytes and Stem Cells After Ischemic Stroke content piece image

Neuroprotection by T-Lymphocytes and Stem Cells After Ischemic Stroke

In this study, regulatory T-cells and BMSCs were shown to be neuroprotective following ischemic treatment of primary rat neurons.
Stress-induced nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of TDP-43 is controlled by eIF-5A hypusination content piece image

Stress-induced nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of TDP-43 is controlled by eIF-5A hypusination

In this experiment, we sought to determine the function of hypusinated eIF5a in relation to TDP-43 pathology in nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments under cellular stress.
Role of TDP-43 in activation of the brain inflammatory response content piece image

Role of TDP-43 in activation of the brain inflammatory response

Profiling of inflammatory cytokines, receptor and kinases in WT and TDP-43 overexpressing mice.
Disruption of Normal Circadian Function in a Mouse Model of Tauopathy content piece image

Disruption of Normal Circadian Function in a Mouse Model of Tauopathy

This study is focused on elucidating how tauopathy disrupts normal circadian clock function at both the behavioral and molecular levels.
Novel lead optimization strategy of BACE I inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease by Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) and Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetics (PBPK) modeling content piece image

Novel lead optimization strategy of BACE I inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease by Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) and Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetics (PBPK) modeling

In this study, we introduce an innovative in silico-based high throughput lead optimization strategy with QSAR and PBPK modelings using StarDrop™, ADMET predictor® and GastroPlus®.
The Role of microRNAs in Memory Consolidation in Lymnaea content piece image

The Role of microRNAs in Memory Consolidation in Lymnaea

In this study we investigated the temporal dynamics of the post-training expression of miRNAs in the ‘learning ganglia’ of Lymnaea.