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A close up of the lenses of a microscope, with a glass slide on the microscope stage.

Nikon Small World in Motion Competition – Top 5 Winning Videos of 2022

Take a look at our summary of the top five winners of the 2022 Nikon Small World in Motion Video Competition, which showcases the very best videos and time-lapse photography from under the microscope.
Top Science News Stories of 2022 content piece image

Top Science News Stories of 2022

As the year ends, it’s time to reflect on the stories that you enjoyed the most. Here’s our roundup of this year’s most popular headlines, including new findings on how we humans age, the impact of diet on the microbiome and a revelation on the cause of multiple sclerosis (MS).
The gut to brain connection.

How Does Vagus Nerve Stimulation Impact the Gut–Brain Axis?

In this Ask the Researcher, we interviewed Professor Nils Kroemer to understand how stimulating the vagus nerve can strengthen the gut–brain axis.
What Gets Animals Fired Up? An Interview With Eppendorf & Science Prize Winner Ann Kennedy content piece image

What Gets Animals Fired Up? An Interview With Eppendorf & Science Prize Winner Ann Kennedy

Aggressive behavior is a routine behavior for species as diverse as mammals, birds and even insects. The brain activity underlying aggression has been the focus of Northwestern University assistant professor Ann Kennedy’s research. Kennedy, winner of the Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology, spoke with Technology Networks to discuss her work.
A white brain with colored wires emerging from it.

The Top 10 Neuroscience Stories of 2022

From discoveries about the origins of multiple sclerosis to a potential new drug for Alzheimer’s disease – it has been a busy 2022 for the brain. After another huge year in neuroscience, we review 10 of the most important developments in the field.

A person wearing a rainbow bracelet pulls on a blue latex glove.

International Day of LGBTQIA+ People in STEM

This article contains segments from five interviews with individuals currently working in STEM who identify as LGBTQIA+ to find out about their experiences, opinions and ideas to inspire the next generation.
Drawing of neurons in the brain.

Cryo-EM Research Is Changing the Way We Look at Neurodegenerative Diseases

This article takes a look at how cryo-electron microscopy is emerging as a critical tool in the structural analysis of tau filaments and how it is helping to advance tauopathy research.
Five Events You Don’t Want To Miss at Neuroscience 2022  content piece image

Five Events You Don’t Want To Miss at Neuroscience 2022

After a three-year absence, the Society for Neuroscience’s (SfN) annual meeting returns to San Diego from November 12–16. With 10 conference tracks to choose from, getting your calendar in order beforehand is essential. To help you out, we’ve picked five events that should be near the top of your schedule.
An image showing the Twitter application on a mobile phone.

Should #SciTwitter Migrate Elsewhere?

From tweets to toots – the online community #SciTwitter is considering a move from Twitter to an alternative online platform. In this article, we explore how Twitter has supported science communication and outreach over recent years, the motivations for migration and ask: where are you heading, #SciTwitter?
An image depicting two brains.

Could We Develop Vaccines for Depression and Anxiety?

Could the same technology that trains the immune system against pathogens also be used as a preventative for depression and anxiety?