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Latest Listicles

“Make Up Your Own Holiday” Day content piece image

“Make Up Your Own Holiday” Day

In honor of this day, we asked some of our staff back at Technology Networks HQ what they would choose to see celebrated on a global level.
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5 Theories About the Dreaming Brain

For World Sleep Day, NNR investigates what goes on in the brain during dreams. We uncover fascinating ideas about rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep, the dreams of people born blind, and ask why some dreams are so strange.

10 Books Scientists Are Reading content piece image

10 Books Scientists Are Reading

Perlego provided us with a recent list of the top 10 books read by scientists, and it's compelling. From the legacy of autism, to deciphering the secrets of the ribosome, the list covers a wide variety of hot scientific topics.
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The Unusual Sleeping Habits of Land and Sea Creatures

Have you ever wondered how marine mammals sleep without drowning? Whether Chimpanzees have similar nightly habits to us? And why do some animals stand when they sleep? Read on to discover some of the fascinating sleeping quirks of land and sea creatures.
4 Advances in Neurotechnology content piece image

4 Advances in Neurotechnology

In this list, discover more about exciting neurotechnologies, including human cyborgs in smart homes, programmable “animals” and bioresorbable electronic medicine.
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Top 10 Neuroscience News Stories of 2019

2019 has been an important year for neuroscience research. In this list, we look at 10 of the most important stories in neuroscience from the last year, touching on brain implants, adult neurogenesis and promising therapies for neurological conditions. Here's to another huge new year (and decade) in 2020!
A Decade in Nobel Prizes for Physiology or Medicine content piece image

A Decade in Nobel Prizes for Physiology or Medicine

Each year, Nobel Prizes are awarded to people who have made a significant contribution in their field; this list focuses on the Nobel Prizes awarded between 2010 and 2019 to those “who made the most important discovery within the domain of physiology or medicine”.
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From Twitching Frogs to Brain Implants: 5 Key Technologies in Electrophysiology

In recent decades, functional investigation of neuronal physiology has become the gold standard for decoding how the brain works. This list will look at the main differences between electrophysiological approaches, the most recent innovations in the field and opportunities that recent technological advances have given us.
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Can You Explain Your Job Badly?

We asked you to explain your profession badly – here are some of our favorite responses.
Biggest Science News of 2019 content piece image

Biggest Science News of 2019

We have seen some amazing scientific breakthroughs in 2019.
This list highlights some of our favorites.