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Latest eBooks

Expanding the Capabilities of Benchtop Flow Cytometry content piece image

Expanding the Capabilities of Benchtop Flow Cytometry

Download this eBook to learn how modern flow cytometers are advances enabling advances in fields such as molecular biology, immunology, environmental science and pathology.
Uncovering the Complexity of Infectious Diseases with Single Cell and Spatial Multiomics content piece image

Uncovering the Complexity of Infectious Diseases with Single Cell and Spatial Multiomics

Download this eBook to learn more about the single cell and spatial technologies available for infectious disease research.
The Role of Mass Spectrometry in Virus Research content piece image

The Role of Mass Spectrometry in Virus Research

Download this free eBook to learn more about the role of mass spectrometry in virus research.
Advances in Cancer Research content piece image

Advances in Cancer Research

In this eBook, we explore some of the novel tools and techniques helping to unravel the complexity of cancer and highlight therapeutic strategies that are being employed to tackle this disease – which continues to be a leading cause of death worldwide.
Spotlight on Magnetic Beads content piece image

Spotlight on Magnetic Beads

Download this eBook to learn more about benefits of incorporating magnetic beads into your workflow.
Transform Your Research With High-Purity Lipids content piece image

Transform Your Research With High-Purity Lipids

Download this brochure to discover high-purity, natural and synthetic phospholipids, sphingolipids, sterols, fluorescent lipids, adjuvants and lipid-binding antibodies.
Resolve Cancer With Single-Cell and Spatial Multiomics content piece image

Resolve Cancer With Single-Cell and Spatial Multiomics

Traditional approaches have enabled researchers to make great strides in understanding the complexities of cancer biology, and to translate ground-breaking discoveries into lifesaving cancer treatments and therapies. However, many unanswered questions remain, requiring increased scale and resolution to be addressed.
Antibody Detection for Cancer Research content piece image

Antibody Detection for Cancer Research

Cancer cells predominantly evade the immune system in two ways – they prevent immune cells from detecting them and they deactivate immune responses prematurely. Download this eBook to discover an antibody multiplexing technique
Women in Science 2021 content piece image

Women in Science 2021

Download this eBook to read the full interviews from female scientists in honor of International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021.
Deciphering the Immune Response to Viral Infection content piece image

Deciphering the Immune Response to Viral Infection

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed an urgent need to advance our understanding of viral biology, such as mechanisms of infection, transmission, and interaction with the immune system.