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Latest Whitepapers

Advances in the Stability and Delivery of mRNA Therapeutics content piece image

Advances in the Stability and Delivery of mRNA Therapeutics

Download this whitepaper to learn more about mRNA therapeutics including how they could treat genetic diseases and cancer, the challenges associated with delivery and dosage as well as how to avoid an unwanted immune response.
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mRNA Vaccine Approvals for COVID-19

In this cell and gene therapy insights expert roundtable, a panel of four experts will answer some central questions surrounding the development of novel biotherapeutics.
Best Practices for Air Sampling in Veterinary Environments content piece image

Best Practices for Air Sampling in Veterinary Environments

The quality of indoor air dramatically affects the health of animals and humans during livestock production. Airborne transmission has been suspected of being responsible for epidemics of highly infectious diseases in livestock production, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been increasing concern about the role of wild animals in the epidemiology of most zoonoses.
Pharma Efficiencies, Data Compliance and Weighing Excellence content piece image

Pharma Efficiencies, Data Compliance and Weighing Excellence

With time a precious commodity and ever-increasing regulatory scrutiny, pharmaceutical laboratories are always on the lookout for simple solutions to make their routine tasks easier.
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Getting a Gene Therapy Product to Market: Pitfalls and How to Prevent Them

Gene therapy is rapidly gaining importance as a critical treatment modality in the prevention or cure of a wide range of diseases. However, getting a product to market for commercial use does not come without its challenges.
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Overcoming Downstream Purification Challenges for Viral Vector Manufacturing

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) has shown great potential as a delivery vector for therapeutic genes and is becoming a tool of choice for many emerging gene therapies.
Gold-Standard RT-PCR Detection of SARS-CoV-2 at Rapid Speed: A Solution for Asymptomatic Screening content piece image

Gold-Standard RT-PCR Detection of SARS-CoV-2 at Rapid Speed: A Solution for Asymptomatic Screening

Screening tests are intended to identify infected individuals who may be contagious, regardless of whether they are displaying symptoms, so that measures can be taken to prevent those individuals from infecting others.
High-Throughput Plate Sorting content piece image

High-Throughput Plate Sorting

Download this whitepaper to discover how a cell sorter can provide precise sorting while maintaining low droplet charge voltages and also handle very high event and sort rates.
The Evolution of Next-Generation Sequencing content piece image

The Evolution of Next-Generation Sequencing

Download this whitepaper to discover how third generation sequencing can identify disease-causing variants with complex genetic etiology, detect SARS-CoV-2 and provide novel genetic insights.
Making the Switch to In-House Mycoplasma Testing content piece image

Making the Switch to In-House Mycoplasma Testing

Many regulatory guidelines state that cell banks and cultures used in the production of biologics must be tested for mycoplasma. Mycoplasma infections can cause severe problems in manufacturing as these organisms can alter DNA, RNA and modify host cell plasma membrane antigens.