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Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Small Cell Histology: A Rare Mimic of Metastatic Tumors Involving the Liver content piece image

Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Small Cell Histology: A Rare Mimic of Metastatic Tumors Involving the Liver

Two cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with small cell histology, a rare morphologic variant of HCC, are presented.
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy accelerates motor axon regeneration despite a phenotypically mismatched environment content piece image

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy accelerates motor axon regeneration despite a phenotypically mismatched environment

A femoral nerve defect model was adapted for the evaluation of proregenerative effects of extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT). Functional evaluation, histology and qRT-PCR data show differences between sensory and motor-derived nerve transplants and a pro-regenerative effect of ESWT. These data provide evidence for the clinical application of ESWT after autologous nerve transplantation as a novel non-invasive method.
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) caused by thymic aplasia due to a mutation in TBX1 content piece image

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) caused by thymic aplasia due to a mutation in TBX1

We report one of the first cases of TBX1 haploinsufficiency causing complete thymic aplasia and SCID.
Fast arsenic speciation analysis of wines and rice with LC-ICP-QQQ content piece image

Fast arsenic speciation analysis of wines and rice with LC-ICP-QQQ

This method was designed in response to recent and proposed food standards, both international and national, that limit inorganic arsenic rather than total, organic, or individual arsenic species such as arsenite (AsIII) and arsenate (AsV). Analysis time is 10x faster than the current FDA regulatory method, increasing sample throughput, avoided spectral interferences and dramatically increased sensitivity. Validation data from two laboratories demonstrate the method’s accuracy and reproducibility of both wine and rice matrices in a single analytical batch.
Proteomics and Substrate Based MS Imaging of Xenobiotic Metabolising Enzymes in Ex Vivo Human Skin and a Human Living Skin Equivalent Model content piece image

Proteomics and Substrate Based MS Imaging of Xenobiotic Metabolising Enzymes in Ex Vivo Human Skin and a Human Living Skin Equivalent Model

Untargeted proteomics analysis showed that human skin and a commercially available living skin equivalent model exhibit a similar distribution of xenobiotic metabolising enzymes. A new technique, substrate based mass spectrometry imaging (SB-MSI) was developed during this study.
Development and Assessment of Non-Infected and Infected Skin Models Using MALDI-MSI content piece image

Development and Assessment of Non-Infected and Infected Skin Models Using MALDI-MSI

Infections have detrimental effects on wound healing leading to chronic wound formation. The use of labskin,a living skin model, in combination with mass spectrometry imaging, provides a good model for assessing wound healing factors.
Analysis of the Effect of Aggregated β-Amyloid on Cellular Signaling Pathways Critical for Memory in Alzheimer’s Disease content piece image

Analysis of the Effect of Aggregated β-Amyloid on Cellular Signaling Pathways Critical for Memory in Alzheimer’s Disease

Here we evaluate the ability to detect changes in phosphorylation levels of ERK and CREB following treatment with Aβ using the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line.

Complete alignment identification of CRISPR-Cas9 genomic off-targets using Edit-R CRISPR specificity tool and a comprehensive analysis of positional mismatch tolerance

A web tool that performs complete crRNA specificity checking is introduced. In addition, we evaluated positional off-targeting of the CRISPR system.
MicroRNAs as Bile-Based Biomarkers in Pancreatic Cancer and Biliary Tract Cancers content piece image

MicroRNAs as Bile-Based Biomarkers in Pancreatic Cancer and Biliary Tract Cancers

In this study, the role of miRNAs has been assessed in a large cohort of pancreatic cancer.
Point of Care Ultrasound in Risk Stratification of Acute Pulmonary Embolism content piece image

Point of Care Ultrasound in Risk Stratification of Acute Pulmonary Embolism

We present a case of pulmonary embolism in a young man who
benefitted from point of care ultrasound. His management was
changed significantly with the results despite initial risk stratification
suggesting ambulatory management.