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Environmental Exposures and Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Childhood content piece image

Environmental Exposures and Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Childhood

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) often present in adolescence and affect >1.4 million persons in the US. Environmental exposures, notably air pollution and weather, have been suggested to contribute to IBD disease activity. Our goal was to evaluate relationships between environmental exposures and the prevalence and disease activity of pediatric IBD using novel data sources that take into account geographic location.
Comparing The Anti-Alzheimer's Activity of Different Types of Coffee content piece image

Comparing The Anti-Alzheimer's Activity of Different Types of Coffee

This study found that coffee solutions treated at 5% are toxic to neurons. However, the toxicity reduced significantly at 2.5%. While the toxicity was significantly less allowing for more cells to survive at 2.5%, the levels of toxic amyloid beta 1-42 significantly reduced. This reduction in amyloid beta is associated with improvement in cognitive performance, as the presence of these toxic peptides is one of the characteristics of AD pathophysiology.
Bacillus cereus in the Hematologic Malignancy Patient: Case Report and Review of the Literature content piece image

Bacillus cereus in the Hematologic Malignancy Patient: Case Report and Review of the Literature

This is a case report describing neutropenic colitis (typhlitis) caused by Bacillus cereus in a patient with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML).
Fingerprinting the Terpene Profiles of Various Cannabis Strains using GC and GCxGC with High Performance TOFMS content piece image

Fingerprinting the Terpene Profiles of Various Cannabis Strains using GC and GCxGC with High Performance TOFMS

The Pegasus BT 4D facilitates fast and confident cannabis product “fingerprinting” through enhanced two-dimensional chromatographic resolution and high performance TOFMS.
Robust compound identification was achieved through spectral similarity searches of large, well-established databases, mass D determinations, and retention index filtering.

High Speed Analysis: Combining Fast GC with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Complex Sample Analysis in Under One Minute content piece image

High Speed Analysis: Combining Fast GC with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Complex Sample Analysis in Under One Minute

The demand for more efficiency and productivity in the laboratory has led to applications using Fast GC-MS methods for routine analysis in a wide range of fields.

Analysis of Extract Drying Criteria for Oil & Grease Method 1664A/B

Analysis of Extract Drying Criteria for Oil & Grease Method 1664A/B

Fundamentals and Comparisons for Organic Sample Extract Evaporation

Sample preparation is a key step in the analysis process

Parameters for evaporation and their impact on analysis have been discussed

Improvements in matching the sample to the evaporation device characteristics can help reduce variability and improve recovery

Examples for choosing a system based on sample volume, types of analytes, sample load, and initial investment considerations
Using Elemental Analysis For Discrimination Of Pinot Noir Wines From Six Different Districts In An Ava content piece image

Using Elemental Analysis For Discrimination Of Pinot Noir Wines From Six Different Districts In An Ava

The determination of geographical origin of wine is gaining increased interest by researchers and federal agencies around the world, partially due to increased fraud with regards to place of origin labelling. For wine, multi-elemental profiling of macro, micro, and trace elements has been proposed for determination of authenticity. Commercial wines from different wineries in 5 different neighborhoods within one AVA show characteristic elemental fingerprints. Macro, micro and trace elements as well as elemental ratios contribute to the observed separation, indicating the involvement of multiple factors and underlying mechanisms, including location and soil composition, elemental uptake by vine and rootstock, viticulture and nutrient management, water sources, and small differences in the different wineries.
Fast arsenic speciation analysis of wines and rice with LC-ICP-QQQ content piece image

Fast arsenic speciation analysis of wines and rice with LC-ICP-QQQ

This method was designed in response to recent and proposed food standards, both international and national, that limit inorganic arsenic rather than total, organic, or individual arsenic species such as arsenite (AsIII) and arsenate (AsV). Analysis time is 10x faster than the current FDA regulatory method, increasing sample throughput, avoided spectral interferences and dramatically increased sensitivity. Validation data from two laboratories demonstrate the method’s accuracy and reproducibility of both wine and rice matrices in a single analytical batch.
Elemental profiles of whiskies allow differentiation by type and region by inductively coupled plasma –optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) content piece image

Elemental profiles of whiskies allow differentiation by type and region by inductively coupled plasma –optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES)

The analysis of the elemental composition of whiskies provides a host of important information including sample origin and understanding how different whiskey styles are caused by processing equipment and raw materials. Preliminary data analysis of the whiskies showed that element compositions could possibly be used to differentiate samples based on age, type, and region.