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Latest App Notes & Case Studies

MALDI Imaging
App Note / Case Study

Multiplex and Multiomic Imaging of Targeted Proteins and Small Molecules

Need a routine analytical technique that can provide protein expression profiling and targeted drug imaging? MALDI Imaging is used to determine the spatial distribution of molecules in a tissue section, for more complete multiomic information.
AAV Capsids
App Note / Case Study

Rapid and Direct AAV Capsid Quantitation

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) technology has become a crucial method for delivering gene therapy drugs and vaccines. The quantitation of viral capsids enables researchers to ensure that AAV preparations are of high quality and potency. However, challenges remain with the accurate quantitation and detection of multiple AAV serotypes.
App Note / Case Study

Rapid 4D Analysis of Lipid Nanoparticle Components

Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) have emerged as effective delivery vehicles for mRNA vaccines and nucleic acid-based drugs. Hence, the analysis of their composition, stability, and biological interactions is essential in drug development and delivery.
Medical Components App Note
App Note / Case Study

Achieve Confident Extractable Testing for Medical Device Compliance

Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) is an effective extractable profiling technique. However, the poor solubility of certain compounds can result in result in reduced recovery rates and can compromise analytical accuracy.
Genotoxic App Note Preview
App Note / Case Study

Confidence in Compliance: Genotoxic Impurity Analysis

Stringent safety requirements associated with the analyses of carcinogenic and mutagenic impurities can present significant challenges. Methods must achieve a high level of sensitivity and selectivity while maintaining sufficient sample throughput.
App Note / Case Study

Expanding the Druggable Proteome

Many targets implicated in diseases are refractory to knockdown by traditional therapeutics like antibodies and small molecules. They represent an exciting new modality, repurposing small molecule chemical tools to achieve selective degradation
Protein Expression
App Note / Case Study

The New Gold Standard for Gene Therapy Protein Expression Potency Measurements

A major challenge preventing transformative gene therapies from reaching patients is the lack of fit-for purpose potency assays, which are some of the most important assays in an analytical package but are often the most complex and high-risk.
Oligos with Confidence
App Note / Case Study

Characterize Your Oligos With Confidence

Custom oligo synthesis can result in the formation of impurities. Hence, final products must be characterized to ensure they meet quality assurance and control standards.
Precision Oligo Sequencing
App Note / Case Study

A Simplified Method for Precise Oligo Sequencing

LC/MS methods can be used to analyze a wide range of oligo samples. However, ion-pairing reagents can interfere with analyses and present challenges in multi-use systems.
Unlock the Full Potential of FFPE Tissue in Proteomics content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Unlock the Full Potential of FFPE Tissue in Proteomics

Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue is a valuable resource in the retrospective proteomic analysis of clinical and non-clinical samples. However, sample preparation techniques typically involve laborious, time-consuming and potentially hazardous xylene-based deparaffinization steps.