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Image of Laura Elizabeth Lansdowne

Laura Elizabeth Lansdowne

Managing Editor

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As managing editor, Laura works closely with the editorial director to create, inform and maintain the overall editorial strategy for Technology Networks. She plays an active part in the general oversight and training of the in-house editorial team, as well as working directly with commissioned writers to produce content across the publication’s communities. After obtaining a first-class honors degree in biology, Laura worked as a quality assurance technologist before joining the Wellcome Sanger Institute and undertaking an additional qualification in clinical chemistry. In 2015, she left to pursue pharmaceutical and editorial-based roles, before joining Technology Networks in 2017.

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Women in Science: Perspectives From Industry content piece image
Industry Insight

Women in Science: Perspectives From Industry

In honor of International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022, Technology Networks interviewed three women who have built successful careers within the scientific industry, to learn about their career paths and the reasons they chose to work in industry.
Understanding Polyps and Their Colorectal Cancer Counterparts  content piece image

Understanding Polyps and Their Colorectal Cancer Counterparts

Researchers from Vanderbilt University have discovered how polyps develop into colorectal cancer. This knowledge could help to improve how this type of cancer is monitored and treated. The study was published in Cell.
Alleviating the Burden of NGS Library Preparation content piece image
Industry Insight

Alleviating the Burden of NGS Library Preparation

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has undoubtedly revolutionized the genomics field and thanks to technological advances in recent years, laboratories around the globe are now applying NGS to a wide variety of applications. However, library sample preparation remains a key bottleneck and researchers are now looking to adopt automation solutions to alleviate this pain point. Technology Networks recently spoke with Paul Lomax, product manager at SPT Labtech to learn more about firefly®, the company’s new liquid handling platform for NGS library preparation.
Novel Psychoactive Substances content piece image

Novel Psychoactive Substances

Novel psychoactive substances (NPS) are compounds that are designed to mimic the effects of established illicit drugs. Many NPS emerged during the early- to mid-2000s and the number of new substances being reported continues to rise. Download this infographic to explore various NPS and key characteristics, reveal why they challenge traditional approaches to drug monitoring and discover methods used to detect NPS.
The Pursuit of Global, Sustainable and Cooperative Open Science content piece image

The Pursuit of Global, Sustainable and Cooperative Open Science

Technology Networks had the pleasure of speaking with Nobel Laureate Elizabeth Blackburn on her impressive contributions to science and society. She highlights early inspirations that cemented her love of science, elaborates on the research that led to her being co-awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, and explains why she is advocating for sustainable, cooperative and open science.
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Drug Cocktail Enables Frogs To Regenerate Amputated Limbs

Researchers have developed a multidrug-loaded wearable bioreactor that can trigger the restoration of amputated hindlimbs in adult African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis). The animals were able to regrow and remodel a missing limb and sensorimotor function was restored.
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Milestones in Cancer Drug Discovery

Download this infographic to explore major cancer drug discovery milestones throughout history and the five pillars of modern-day cancer treatment.
Developing Temperature-Stable ADDomer Vaccines for Untreatable Diseases content piece image
Industry Insight

Developing Temperature-Stable ADDomer Vaccines for Untreatable Diseases

Technology Networks spoke with Jonathan Hare, PhD, Imophoron’s Head of Immunology, to learn more about the ADDomer™ vaccine platform, the benefits of administering vaccines by a variety of administrative routes and the infectious diseases they are currently working to develop vaccines for.
Recent Developments in Proteomics Research content piece image

Recent Developments in Proteomics Research

Here, we take a closer look at some recent developments in the world of proteomics research.
Opinionated Science Episode 39: The Science of Christmas Dinner content piece image

Opinionated Science Episode 39: The Science of Christmas Dinner

In this bumper episode, the team review a series of studies from the last year that investigate Christmassy food. Could the future of Christmas dinner involve a cell culture roast, unnaturally smooth chocolate and fractal cauliflower?