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Latest Infographics

Unravelling the Myths of Laboratory Automation content piece image

Unravelling the Myths of Laboratory Automation

Download this infographic to unravel some of the common myths surrounding laboratory automation and uncover the truth about its key benefits.
Disease Modeling content piece image

Disease Modeling

In this infographic, we explore what is meant by disease modeling and highlight how advanced cell models are helping researchers to overcome some of the limitations associated with classical cell lines and animal models.
Lab Essentials in Virology and Vaccine Research content piece image

Lab Essentials in Virology and Vaccine Research

Download this infographic to discover how everyday lab tools can ensure accuracy and efficiency in vaccine and virology research.
Western Blot Troubleshooting content piece image

Western Blot Troubleshooting

Download this infographic to discover tips and tricks on each stage of western blotting including sample preparation, electrophoresis, washing and blocking, and detection.
Single-Cell Analysis content piece image

Single-Cell Analysis

Single-cell analysis enables scientists to study cells at the individual level, capturing unique insights for each cell and providing a more holistic understanding of molecular biology. Download this infographic to learn more.
Reducing the Cost of Ownership of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Systems content piece image

Reducing the Cost of Ownership of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Systems

This infographic explores the key cost saving considerations when purchasing HPLC systems.
Gain Confidence in Your Chromatography Workflow content piece image

Gain Confidence in Your Chromatography Workflow

Gas chromatography (GC) is a valuable analytical tool used to separate, quantify, and identify compounds of interest. This infographic explores the best ways to optimize the operating efficiency of GC systems and ensure cost-effective productivity in the lab.

Spatial Transcriptomics in Cancer content piece image

Spatial Transcriptomics in Cancer

In this infographic, we explore spatial transcriptomics and how progress in this area is paving the way to a better understanding of cancer.
Differentiating iPSCs – Which Approach Works Best? content piece image

Differentiating iPSCs – Which Approach Works Best?

Download this infographic to compare traditional methods to the new precision reprogramming technology and discover its benefits.
Future Foods content piece image

Future Foods

In this infographic, we explore the problems in supplying a growing population with food, novel solutions to producing food sustainably and how reducing waste in the food system can benefit people and the planet.