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Unlocking the Potential of Genetics and Epigenetics for Early Cancer Detection content piece image

Unlocking the Potential of Genetics and Epigenetics for Early Cancer Detection

In this Teach me in 10 episode we will explore how simultaneous sequencing of genetic and epigenetic bases in cfDNA allows for early cancer detection.
This Week in Science content piece image

This Week in Science

Check out the Technology Networks news team's selection of their favorite scientific stories from the week.
Representation of a bladder tumor cell

Early Detection of Bladder Cancer with Oncuria

In this video, Dr. Charles Rosser, a board-certified urologist discusses the development of Oncuria for the early detection of bladder cancer.
What Happened This Week in Science? content piece image

What Happened This Week in Science?

Check out the Technology Networks news team's selection of their favorite scientific stories from the week.
A picture of DNA and a droplet of blood.

New Biomarkers Could Predict Pancreatic Cancer Risk

A new study identifies a set of biomarkers that could help clinicians to predict whether pancreatic cysts will remain benign or develop into cancer.
What Happened This Week in Science? content piece image

What Happened This Week in Science?

Let's look back at the science stories that came out this week!
Two female scientists look at a test tube.

Celebrating Female Scientists on International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Technology Networks is delighted to showcase the work of Dr. Angela Calderón, associate professor in drug discovery and development at Auburn University in the United States.
Group of people in lab coats brushing up on their scientific knowledge.

Do the Public Need To Be More Scientifically Literate? With Dr. Hilary Jones

Why is it important to have doctors working within the media? Do the public need to be more scientifically literate? What advances have we seen in diagnostics? And how can this help GPs in the UK?
Discovering and Categorizing Mutational Signatures From Cancer Whole Genomes content piece image

Discovering and Categorizing Mutational Signatures From Cancer Whole Genomes

Speaking at The Landscape of Cancer Research 2022 online symposium, Andrea Degasperi of the Early Cancer Institute, University of Cambridge, delivered his talk on mutational signatures discovery and categorization from whole cancer genomes.
Recent Advances and Challenges in Oncolytic Virotherapy: The Myoxma Virus Story content piece image

Recent Advances and Challenges in Oncolytic Virotherapy: The Myoxma Virus Story

Speaking at The Landscape of Cancer Research 2022 online symposium, keynote speaker Grant McFadden of the University of Arizona delivered his talk on recent advances and challenges in oncolytic virotherapy.