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Latest eBooks

A drug capsule split open to reveal a molecule.

Drug Design and Discovery

This eBook will provide readers with an overview of drug discovery, design, kinetics and development, highlighting challenges and solutions, successes, various modalities and approaches.
Cell Metabolism: A New Avenue in Drug Discovery content piece image

Uncover New Drug Targets Through Cell Metabolism

Dysfunctional metabolism is associated with a growing number of different disease states. The ability to examine the genes, proteins and pathways that modulate energy metabolism is therefore a promising new avenue for drug discovery.
A group of six female scientists stand together in a lab wearing lab coats.

Women in Science 2023

Download this eBook to read interviews with female scientists to learn about their experiences and hear advice for forging a career in STEMM.
Optimizing Results from Nucleic Acid Isolation content piece image

Optimizing Results from Nucleic Acid Isolation

Analyzing nucleic acids provides insights into a variety of biological processes. However, the quality of your isolated DNA or RNA has a direct impact on the success of your genomic techniques and applications.
Using Immune Cell Metabolism To Build Next-Generation Cell Therapies content piece image

Using Immune Cell Metabolism To Build Next-Generation Cell Therapies

Greater appreciation for the complex and dynamic connections between metabolic poise and immune cell function enables researchers to monitor and control how metabolic reprogramming and microenvironmental signals affect the function, fate and fitness of immune cells.
Molecule of DNA, double helix, 3D illustration

Analytical Solutions for Gene Therapeutic Development and QC

Download this eBook to discover new analytical solutions to accelerate AAV-based gene therapy.
Understanding Tumor Microenvironment Signaling Pathways content piece image

Understanding Tumor Microenvironment Signaling Pathways

The tumor microenvironment (TME) is comprised of the tumor, extracellular matrix and various non-transformed cells including fibroblasts, immune infiltrates and vascular vessels.
A light blue strand of DNA made from small circles.

Synthetic Biology

Download this eBook to explore how synthetic biology is being utilized in the development of cell and gene therapies, cancer therapeutics and improved food and agriculture production processes.
Spatial Phenotyping in Clinical and Translational Research content piece image

Spatial Phenotyping in Clinical and Translational Research

Immunotherapy using immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) has revolutionized the treatment landscape in oncology, but significant challenges remain. Without reliable tools to identify likely responders, patients who may have responded are not prescribed ICIs.
Advancing Cancer Research With Genetic Analysis Tools content piece image

Advancing Cancer Research With Genetic Analysis Tools

Download this eBook to explore how these new technologies have enabled some of the most recent discoveries in areas such as molecular mechanisms of cancer, cancer biomarkers as well as vaccines and therapeutics to tackle cancer.