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Latest Infographics

Disease Modeling content piece image

Disease Modeling

In this infographic, we explore what is meant by disease modeling and highlight how advanced cell models are helping researchers to overcome some of the limitations associated with classical cell lines and animal models.
Powering Modern Drug Discovery With DNA Synthesis content piece image

Powering Modern Drug Discovery With DNA Synthesis

Download this infographic to learn how to optimize protein-based drug discovery using modern silicon-based DNA synthesis.
Drugs of the Future: Optimizing Oligonucleotide Analysis content piece image

Drugs of the Future: Optimizing Oligonucleotide Analysis

Download this infographic to learn about the different types of therapeutic oligonucleotides and discover innovative solutions for their purification and characterization.
The Immune System and Cancer. Graphical representation of a cancer cell being attacked by immune cells.

The Immune System and Cancer

Download this infographic to discover the impact of the immune system and inflammation on cancer development, how these effects change as cancers become more advanced and how we can use therapies to exploit them.
Single-Cell Analysis content piece image

Single-Cell Analysis

Single-cell analysis enables scientists to study cells at the individual level, capturing unique insights for each cell and providing a more holistic understanding of molecular biology. Download this infographic to learn more.
Personalized Medicine content piece image

Personalized Medicine

Download this infographic to discover what personalized medicine is and its applications, how it compares to current conventional medicine and the common technologies used in personalized medicine research.
Spatial Transcriptomics in Cancer content piece image

Spatial Transcriptomics in Cancer

In this infographic, we explore spatial transcriptomics and how progress in this area is paving the way to a better understanding of cancer.
The Race for Reproducible Data content piece image

The Race for Reproducible Data

Download this infographic to discover the principles of reproducible data, why it has proved so difficult for science to achieve and the steps researchers can take to enhance the reproducibility of their data.
Five Reasons To Consider Lyophilized Reagents for Molecular Diagnostics content piece image

Five Reasons To Consider Lyophilized Reagents for Molecular Diagnostics

Lyophilization is a process that immobilizes enzymes and reagents in a solid matrix. This infographic explores the key reasons to consider using lyophilized reagents for molecular diagnostics workflows.
Cell and Gene Therapies content piece image

Cell and Gene Therapies

Download this infographic to learn more about what cell and gene therapies are, how they are made, and advancements and future considerations in cell and gene therapy research.