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Image of Lucy Lawrence

Lucy Lawrence

Senior Digital Content Producer

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Lucy is the Senior Digital Content Producer for Technology Networks and is recognized for creating and producing Technology Networks latest video series 'Ask Me Anything'. With a passion for captivating scientific narratives, she covers diverse topics ranging from cybernetics to cannabis. Lucy's unwavering belief in the transformative power of science drives her to create exceptional content that educates, inspires, and entertains across multiple media platforms.

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Corning TMi10 image

Harvesting Cell Methods

This episode explores various methods for cell harvesting, such as centrifugation, filtration, and separation, with the choice depending on the specific context of the work.

Ask Me Anything: The Future of Battery Research

We are delighted to present an exclusive Ask Me Anything virtual session that explores the world of future of battery research at NASA.

Ask Me Anything: Battery Research

We are delighted to present an AMA session with our esteemed live virtual speaker, Kieran O'Regan, COO and Co-Founder About:Energy.

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Revolutionizing In Vitro Disease Models With iPSC Reprogramming Technology

In this Teach Me in 10, we are joined by Dr. Will Bernard to get a primer on the latest innovations in in vitro human cell technology.
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Exploring Spatial Biology

This episode provides an overview of spatial biology and what applications scientists can pursue by exploring this area.
Comprehensive Charge Variant Identification on a Single Integrated System

Comprehensive Charge Variant Identification on a Single Integrated System

This Teach Me in 10 episode provides an overview of charge variant analysis. It explores how novel integrated systems are revolutionizing biopharmaceutical applications with expanded analytical capabilities.

Accelerate Your Small Molecule Drug Discovery Projects by Using Flare™ To Prioritize the Best Molecules To Make

In this Teach Me in 10, Cresset’s Head of Products, Giovanna Tedesco will discuss the benefits of using Flare to accelerate drug discovery projects, for the greatest chances of success.

Working With Corning Matrigel Matrix: Tips, Tricks and Expert Advice

In this TMi10 we are speaking with Corning senior scientist Hilary Sherman to get some handling tips and expert advice to maximize your work in both 2D and 3D cultures with the most widely used ECM in the industry.
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An Overview of NGS Adapters for Ligation-based Library Preparation

In this Teach Me in 10 we are joined by senior field application scientist Nick Hapshe.
Scientist Analysing

Reducing the Challenges Facing Pharmaceutical QC Analysts

In this episode we speak with Lise Gauthier a principal scientist within the QA/QC Business Strategy group.