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Image of Anna MacDonald

Anna MacDonald

Science Writer

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After obtaining a first-class honours degree in biological sciences from the University of East Anglia, Anna worked as a scientific conference producer before joining Technology Networks. As part of her role, Anna helps to coordinate coverage, working with key opinion leaders from industry and academia to produce content across all communities.

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Futuristic representation of human genomics.
Industry Insight

Probing the Biomarker Landscape of Human Disease

To find out more about the importance of improving biomarker discovery and how next-generation mass spectrometry-based systems can help to fill the current gap in biomarker technologies, Technology Networks spoke with Dr. Mo Jain.
Cell Signaling in Disease

Cell Signaling in Disease

Download this infographic to explore why cell signaling is important, how Wnt signaling is involved in cancer and the role of the JAK/STAT pathway in neurodegenerative disease.
T cells.
Industry Insight

High-Precision T-Cell Testing: Driving Diagnostics Forward

To learn more about T-cell testing, the types of diseases it can help to diagnose and its value in clinical trials, we spoke to Phill Keefe, chief executive officer of PerkinElmer’s Oxford Immunotec division.
Representation of antibodies.
Industry Insight

Streamlining Lead Identification

To learn more about the Pioneer Antibody Discovery Platform and its potential impact on drug discovery and development, we spoke to Dr. John Cardone.
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Industry Insight

What’s on the Horizon for Clinical Trials in 2023?

From increasing trial diversity to using plants to manufacture drugs, the experts weigh in.
Human hand holding a green Earth surrounded by trees.
Industry Insight

Leading by Example, Challenging the Sustainability Mindset

We spoke to Darlene Solomon to learn more about improving sustainability in science and Agilent’s commitment to My Green Lab and other sustainability initiatives.
Disease Modeling content piece image

Disease Modeling

In this infographic, we explore what is meant by disease modeling and highlight how advanced cell models are helping researchers to overcome some of the limitations associated with classical cell lines and animal models.
Building a More Resilient Biopharma Industry content piece image
Industry Insight

Building a More Resilient Biopharma Industry

Technology Networks spoke to Conor McKechnie, to learn more about the Biopharma Resilience Index and the changes required to get new therapeutics to market quicker.
Measuring Temperature Performance for Reliable Vaccine Storage content piece image
Industry Insight

Measuring Temperature Performance for Reliable Vaccine Storage

Technology Networks recently spoke to Drew Buskirk to learn more about peak variation and why it is so important to measure.
Broadening the Adoption of Pharmacogenomic Testing  content piece image
Industry Insight

Broadening the Adoption of Pharmacogenomic Testing

Technology Networks recently had the pleasure of speaking to Dr. Philip Empey, to learn more about the Pharmacogenomics Center for Excellence and how it is working to prove the clinical utility of predictive PGx testing.