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Image of Laura Elizabeth Lansdowne

Laura Elizabeth Lansdowne

Managing Editor

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As managing editor, Laura works closely with the editorial director to create, inform and maintain the overall editorial strategy for Technology Networks. She plays an active part in the general oversight and training of the in-house editorial team, as well as working directly with commissioned writers to produce content across the publication’s communities. After obtaining a first-class honors degree in biology, Laura worked as a quality assurance technologist before joining the Wellcome Sanger Institute and undertaking an additional qualification in clinical chemistry. In 2015, she left to pursue pharmaceutical and editorial-based roles, before joining Technology Networks in 2017.

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Shielding Oncolytic Viruses From the Immune System To Improve Cancer Treatment content piece image
Industry Insight

Shielding Oncolytic Viruses From the Immune System To Improve Cancer Treatment

While oncolytic virus (OV) therapy has garnered increasing attention from the cancer research community, this therapeutic strategy doesn’t come without its challenges, as a patient’s immune system can sometimes mount a response to the OVs before they reach their intended target. To address this, Calidi Biotherapeutics has developed cell-based platforms to shield OVs from the immune system, so that they can effectively target and destroy the cancer cells.
Opinionated Science Episode 42: Caffeine for ADHD and Cancer-Sniffing Worms content piece image

Opinionated Science Episode 42: Caffeine for ADHD and Cancer-Sniffing Worms

In this episode of Opinionated Science, the team discusses a new advance that uses a microscopic worm to sniff out lung cancer, why caffeine is being investigated to treat ADHD and a stats study that may undermine an important area of neuroscience.

Live Biotherapeutics ‒ A Novel Way To Treat Disease content piece image
Industry Insight

Live Biotherapeutics ‒ A Novel Way To Treat Disease

The intricate and intertwined nature of the host‒microbiota connection has garnered increasing interest from the scientific community in recent years, due to its known role in the development and progression of various diseases. 4D pharma has leveraged growing knowledge in the field, by creating a novel class of medicines called live biotherapeutic products (LBPs).
Applying Organ-on-a-Chip Tech to the Lymphatic System  content piece image

Applying Organ-on-a-Chip Tech to the Lymphatic System

Texas A&M University's Dr. Abhishek Jain and colleagues have developed the first lymphangion-chip to model the functional unit of a lymph vessel. The hope is that the chip will allow researchers to gain a clearer picture of the mechanical forces controlling lymphatic physiology and pathophysiology, which in turn will help to identify new therapeutic targets for conditions such as lymphedema.
Artificial Sweeteners Are Associated With Increased Cancer Risk, Finds Large-Scale Cohort Study content piece image

Artificial Sweeteners Are Associated With Increased Cancer Risk, Finds Large-Scale Cohort Study

Results from a large cohort study of >100,000 French adults suggest that some artificial sweeteners found in foods and beverages are associated with an increased risk of cancer. The findings were published in PLOS Medicine.
Tumor Biology content piece image

Tumor Biology

Download this infographic to explore cancer cell physiology, the composition of the tumor microenvironment and mechanisms regulating tumor initiation and cancer progression.
What Role Do Bitter Taste Receptors Play in Cancer? content piece image

What Role Do Bitter Taste Receptors Play in Cancer?

To determine the current state of knowledge on the role of bitter taste receptors in cancer, researchers analyzed extensive data gathered using PubMed and Google Scholar. Technology Networks recently had the pleasure of speaking with two of the study’s authors, Dr. Agnes Mistlberger-Reiner and Sofie Zehentner to learn more about their findings.
Leveraging the T-Cell Response to Epstein-Barr Virus To Treat Life-Threatening Diseases content piece image
Industry Insight

Leveraging the T-Cell Response to Epstein-Barr Virus To Treat Life-Threatening Diseases

Technology Networks recently spoke with Jakob Dupont, head of global research & development at Atara Bio, to learn more about the company’s novel allogeneic EBV T-cell platform and discover how it’s enabling a differentiated approach to allogeneic cell therapy.
Opinionated Science Episode 40: A Herpes-MS Link, mRNA Pills and Regenerating Frog Limbs content piece image

Opinionated Science Episode 40: A Herpes-MS Link, mRNA Pills and Regenerating Frog Limbs

In the latest Opinionated Science, the first of 2022, the TN team discusses why multiple sclerosis links to a herpesvirus, a limb regenerating Fitbit that has amputee frogs hopping again and the next era of pill-based mRNA technology.

Harnessing the Immune System To Treat Cancer content piece image

Harnessing the Immune System To Treat Cancer

In this article, we consider some of the work being done to enhance the T-cell response to tumors, discuss the promise of oncolytic virotherapy and highlight the potential benefits of combined therapy.