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Latest Listicles

What Is New in Disease Biomarker Discovery? content piece image

What Is New in Disease Biomarker Discovery?

Download this listicle to explore various biomarkers, technological advances driving biomarker research and integrative approaches in disease research.
Clinical Omics and Mass Spectrometry content piece image

Clinical Omics and Mass Spectrometry

Due to its broad-based applicability to detect compounds with a wide range of masses, along with its high sensitivity, mass spectrometry (MS) has been used extensively in a range of omics analyses and applications. In this listicle, we explore the use of MS-based data in a variety of clinical omics settings.
Data Integrity in Research: What Does It Mean and How Do We Achieve It? content piece image

Data Integrity in Research: What Does It Mean and How Do We Achieve It?

Download this listicle to learn about the importance of data integrity in research, data integrity in the digital age and improving data integrity.
Examining the Reproducibility Crisis content piece image

Examining the Reproducibility Crisis

Download this listicle to learn about the importance of reproducibility, why problems in reproducibility persist and steps you can take to improve reproducibility.
Key Developments in Proteomic Pipelines content piece image

Key Developments in Proteomic Pipelines

Download this listicle to discover advancements in proteomic development and how software is used in the analysis of proteomics.
Data-dependent vs. Data-independent Proteomic Analysis content piece image

Data-dependent vs. Data-independent Proteomic Analysis

Download this list for a useful overview of the DDA and DIA approaches in proteomic analysis, including their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
Celebrating Women in Science content piece image

Celebrating Women in Science

March 8, 2021, marks International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate the achievements of women around the world. It is a day that Technology Networks acknowledges each year, in efforts to share the triumphs achieved and challenges faced by women working in science.
5 Specialized Techniques for Fragment-Based Drug Discovery content piece image

5 Specialized Techniques for Fragment-Based Drug Discovery

In this listicle, we will discuss the principles of FBDD, how it compares to other drug discovery approaches, as well as highlighting various techniques that allow for lead compound identification with FBDD.
Top 5 Diagnostics Stories of 2020 content piece image

Top 5 Diagnostics Stories of 2020

In this listicle, we look back at five of the most-read non-COVID-19 diagnostics news stories published on Technology Networks this year.
The 6 Leading Technological Advancement Trends in Lipidomics content piece image

The 6 Leading Technological Advancement Trends in Lipidomics

Download this listicle to learn more about the latest advances in lipidomics software and analytical techniques.