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Latest Whitepapers

A Look at How a New B-27 Plus Formulation Improves Primary Neuron Survival and Neural Network Activity content piece image

A Look at How a New B-27 Plus Formulation Improves Primary Neuron Survival and Neural Network Activity

Want to improve the reliability of your neuronal cell culture experiments by increasing survival of the neurons?
Electrical Stimulation content piece image

Electrical Stimulation

The quest for understanding membrane dynamics or why electrical stimulation and high-pressure freezing can be the way to visualize synaptic function.
Visual Stimulation of Retinal Explants on a Standard Multiphoton Microscope. content piece image

Visual Stimulation of Retinal Explants on a Standard Multiphoton Microscope.

A comprehensive description of how to incorporate visual stimulation of the retina with a multiphoton microscope
Simultaneous Multiple Patch Electrode Recording content piece image

Simultaneous Multiple Patch Electrode Recording

Simultaneously Recording From Four Neurons Using PatchStar & MicroStar Manipulators.
Paired Blind Polytrode and Juxtacellular Recordings In Vivo content piece image

Paired Blind Polytrode and Juxtacellular Recordings In Vivo

Description of a straightforward approach to achieving blind paired electrophysiological recordings in vivo
Using a Scientifica Multiphoton SliceScope for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging content piece image

Using a Scientifica Multiphoton SliceScope for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging

How to adapt a Scientifica SliceScope to perform FLIM and FRET.
Controlling and Coordinating Experiments In Neurophysiology content piece image

Controlling and Coordinating Experiments In Neurophysiology

Whitepaper describes the considerations needed to coordinate multiple hardware components to perform neurophysiological experiments.

Neural Stem Cells

An informative mini-review focussing on neural stem cells

The Scientific Process And The Need For Better Data

How a reproducibility network, and CROs, might help us produce better drugs for tough diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease.

Which QC is the Right QC?
