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A psychedelic pulse.

The Pulse: Psychedelic News From Technology Networks Issue 6

Hello and welcome to the Pulse, the monthly psychedelics industry roundup from Technology Networks and Analytical Cannabis. Here, we’ll highlight some of the most significant psychedelic industry news from the past month, including important announcements, pre-clinical work and the latest from groundbreaking psychedelic clinical trials.
Four attached pink cancer cells.

Understanding Cell-to-Cell Communication in Cancer

This article explores how targeting the language of cancer cell communication could provide new ways to stop tumor growth and prevent drug resistance.
A scientists walks along a neuron like a tightrope.

Neurodegeneration: Are We Closer to a Cure, or Still a World Apart?

Our knowledge of how pathological proteins like amyloid spread and become deposited throughout the brain in many major neurodegenerative diseases is now extensive. Nevertheless, our improved understanding of Alzheimer’s molecular mechanisms has yet to bridge over to effective treatments that reverse disease progress. Are we any closer to a cure?

A psychedelic pulse line.

The Pulse: Psychedelic News From Technology Networks Issue 5

Hello and welcome to the Pulse, the monthly psychedelics industry roundup from Technology Networks and Analytical Cannabis. Here, we’ll highlight some of the most significant psychedelic industry news from the past month, including important announcements, pre-clinical work and the latest from groundbreaking psychedelic clinical trials.
A young couple and an old couple stand on either side of a large hourglass.

The Power and Potential of Epigenetic Aging Clocks

In this article, we take a deep dive into the world of epigenetic aging clocks, finding out what they are, what they can tell us and how they might be applied in future.
A psychedelic pulse line.

The Pulse: Psychedelic News From Technology Networks Issue 4

Hello and welcome to the Pulse, the monthly psychedelics industry roundup from Technology Networks and Analytical Cannabis. Here, we’ll highlight some of the most significant psychedelic industry news from the past month, including important announcements, pre-clinical work and the latest from groundbreaking psychedelic clinical trials.
A graphic of a hand of someone giving blood.

LGBTQ+ Health Expert's Take on FDA's Updates to Blood Donation Guidelines

We spoke with Professor Perry N. Halkitis, dean, distinguished professor and champion of LGBTQ+ rights, about the US FDA's recent reversal of its time-based deferrals and screening questions specific to gay and bisexual men for assessing blood donation eligibility.
A transparent cell with blue nucleus.

Advances in Cell Therapy

In this article, we review the latest research in cell therapy development, including advances made in the lab that show promise for translation to the clinic, to improvements in developing, testing and manufacturing.
Microscope image.

Improving Image Integrity in Scientific Papers

This article sheds light on the issue of image integrity in academic publishing and gives advice on how to reduce the risk.
A pulse.

The Pulse: Psychedelic News From Technology Networks Issue 3

Hello and welcome to the Pulse, the monthly psychedelics industry roundup from Technology Networks and Analytical Cannabis. Here, we’ll highlight some of the most significant psychedelic industry news from the past month, including important announcements, pre-clinical work and the latest from groundbreaking psychedelic clinical trials.