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Latest Whitepapers

Investigating Cell-Free DNA in Liquid Biopsy content piece image

Investigating Cell-Free DNA in Liquid Biopsy

Only a small amount of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) can be found in circulation, therefore efficient and highly sensitive technologies such as next-generation sequencing (NGS) are typically being used to detect this biomarker.
Genome Modification: A New Paradigm for Biofuel content piece image

Genome Modification: A New Paradigm for Biofuel

Biofuels have garnered increased attention due to the economic and environmental concerns associated with petroleum-based fuel.
Expanding the Animal Genomics Wheelhouse With CRISPR/Cas9 content piece image

Expanding the Animal Genomics Wheelhouse With CRISPR/Cas9

CRISPR/Cas9 has revolutionized the field of genome editing by increasing the efficiency, multiplex capability and ease of use like never before.
Making the Switch to In-House Mycoplasma Testing content piece image

Making the Switch to In-House Mycoplasma Testing

Many regulatory guidelines state that cell banks and cultures used in the production of biologics must be tested for mycoplasma. Mycoplasma infections can cause severe problems in manufacturing as these organisms can alter DNA, RNA and modify host cell plasma membrane antigens.
Delivering the Future of Genomic Pathogen Surveillance content piece image

Delivering the Future of Genomic Pathogen Surveillance

Serious infectious disease outbreaks have been an ever-present threat throughout human history and, driven by factors such as increasing globalization, population growth, urbanization and climate change, that threat is increasing.
Human Whole Transcriptome Atlas content piece image

Human Whole Transcriptome Atlas

GeoMx® Human Whole Transcriptome Atlas

Traditional gene expression technologies are unable to capture heterogeneity of the transcriptome with spatial context.
Milestones in Spatial Biology content piece image

Milestones in Spatial Biology

Spatially resolved biology allows researchers to study cells in the context of their tissue microenvironment, enabling a fuller appreciation of cellular function.
Accelerating Cancer Research Through Comprehensive Genomic Analysis content piece image

Accelerating Cancer Research Through Comprehensive Genomic Analysis

While next-generation sequencing is becoming increasingly routine in cancer research laboratories, it fails to address a number of key genomic drivers or markers of cancer, such as structural variations, DNA methylation and transcript isoforms.
CRISPR Antibiotics: Turning Defense Into Offence content piece image

CRISPR Antibiotics: Turning Defense Into Offence

Download this whitepaper to discover how CRISPR can overcome antibiotic-resistant and pathogenic bacteria.
Reagent Manufacturing for a Novel CRISPR-Based Diagnostic SARS CoV-2 Test content piece image

Reagent Manufacturing for a Novel CRISPR-Based Diagnostic SARS CoV-2 Test

Download this whitepaper to discover how the manufacturing process was successfully scaled using operational support, a customized solution as well as a highly collaborative and strategic engagement.